Parents Sue After Elementary School Teacher Personally Discusses ‘Gender Identity’ With Son, Making Him Confused

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Photo Credit: KPTV screenshot
WOODBURN, Ore. — The parents of a nine-year-old boy have sued their school district for $1 million after they state that the child’s elementary school teacher assumed he had “transgender” inclinations and began to personally teach him about “gender identity” — without his parents’ knowledge.
The parents, whose names have not been disclosed, state that a second grade teacher at Nellie Muir Elementary School in Woodburn, Oregon held their son back during recess to introduce to him books and videos “in an effort to promote [him] becoming transgender.”
The situation occurred in April 2018 when the child began using the staff restroom in the midst of having a digestive-related medical condition that he wanted to be discreet about.
The teacher, who has not been named, allegedly assumed that the student didn’t want to use the boys’ restroom because he identified more as a girl. The lawsuit states that the teacher asked their son if he was transgender and worked up a lesson plan to help him understand what the term means.
According to the Statesman Journal, the lessons included episodes of the TLC show “I Am Jazz [Jennings],” as well as the books “I Am Jazz” and “Who are You? The Kid’s Guide to Gender Identity.”
The parents allege that through this content — which was recommended by a transgender friend of the teacher — the boy was also exposed to discussions on male and female reproductive organs.
When the week concluded, the teacher had the boy take the books home. His parents found the materials in his backpack and contacted the school to express concern.
The following month, officials released a letter following an investigation to confirm that there was evidence that the teacher had held the student back during recess and had shared controversial material without his parents knowledge.
The teacher was then instructed to notify parents in the future should she plan to address “controversial issues.”
However, the parents state that their son was left traumatized by the experience. According to KPTV in Oregon, the boy has been seeing a therapist and is taking anti-anxiety medication.
“He feels different now. He feels confused. To hear your son say that … on a couch talking to a therapist, holding back his tears, it’s very heartbreaking,” the mother told the outlet, outlining that “if he plays with my niece, he’s a girl in that moment. If he plays with my nephew, now he’s being a boy.”
However, he is reportedly also fearful that if he plays with girls toys, that he will become a girl.
Both parents state that they both have suffered emotionally from the matter as well, as the father suffers from panic attacks and the mother struggles with anxiety and depression.
They have sued for false imprisonment and infliction of emotional distress, and are also alleging that the Woodburn School District was negligent in that it did not properly supervise the teacher.
The lawsuit asks for $79,999 for therapy and medication, as well as $920,000 in damages.
Romans 16:19 says, “I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple (innocent) concerning evil.”

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