Dear readers,
You might’ve missed it, but Armenia and Azerbaijan are at war, or soon will be.
And what is currently a relatively minor conflict threatens to drag in several regional powerhouses, including Israel.
But there are some mighty bizarre aspects to this story, including the fact that it’s essentially Muslims vs. Christians, and Israel is leaning toward the side of the Muslims…
In a war between Muslims and Christians, who will Israel support?
Less than a week to go!
If you couldn’t tell, we are pretty excited about our LIVE online tours of the Land of Israel.
The first few tours have been a HUGE hit. Click here to check out the archive of recordings >>
Our next tour, which happens in less than a week, will be taking you to the Pilgrims’ Way, the ancient road up to the Temple Mount that Yeshua and his disciples would have walked.
This is a FREE event for all Israel Today Members, but you need to register.
Click here to go register now >>
19th century “tweets”
These days if you want to let family and friends know where you’re traveling (or even what you’re eating), you just post a few pics to social media.
But a hundred years ago, there was no internet.
However, that doesn’t mean people weren’t sending what amount to “tweets” to their loved ones.
And a collector in Jerusalem has opened up his treasure trove of 19th and 20th century postcards from the Holy Land.
I, for one, was shocked to see how sparse Jerusalem and Tel Aviv looked back then!
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Ryan Jones
English Editor