Wednesday, September 30, 2020

SPIRITUALITY Living with a Buddhist Family in Japan Brought Me Back to the Fold Living with a Buddhist Family in Japan Brought Me Back to the Fold I went looking for freedom. I’d landed in the wrong place. by Marjorie Ordene


 Living with a Buddhist Family in Japan Brought Me Back to the Fold 
 Living with a Buddhist Family in Japan Brought Me Back to the Fold 
 I went looking for freedom. I’d landed in the wrong place. 
 by Marjorie Ordene 

In the summer after my junior year of high school, in 1970, I caught the countercultural bug spreading across America. I had met some “radicals” on a teen tour and I was hooked. Instead of playing the A-student who followed all the rules, I decided to rebel. I read books like The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and longed for my first psychedelic experience. I wore ragged jeans and faded T-shirts and sought out the company of like-minded “hippie-radicals.” School spirit was out, disdain and disrespect were in. Of course, my parents were concerned, but what could they do?

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Where Was the Other Ram?

by Ahava S. Ehrenpreis

Weekly Torah Portion Click Here...
Today's Quote – Tishrei 12
The World is a Dangerous Place
Today's Photo – Tishrei 12
Clouds Breaking Over the Temple Mount
Noam Chen’s glorious photo of the Temple Mount, the site of the Holy of Holies from where God gathered the dust to create Adam and where both Temples were built.

Featured at


Sukkot and Corona: Three Major Messages


Lessons from My Father and Childhood in the Segregated South


Marital Survival Guide: From I to L




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