the Vortex

It's finally come down to this.
September 30, 2020 113 Comments
Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.
The world of politics is the arena in which the culture and the Church are now colliding head-on in a war for the ages. It's taken a man like Trump to actually set the stage for this epic battle, to set the table for everything to come together.
For example, in a stunning admission this past weekend, in light of the announcement of Catholic Amy Coney Barrett by Trump to the Supreme Court, New York Times columnist Elizabeth Bruenig just flat out said, "Judge Barrett's nomination has merely renewed attention to a fundamental conflict, centuries underway, between Catholicism and the American ethos."
Well, at least Bruenig has the decency to be upfront about her anti-Catholic bigotry. Most of her Marxist-minded allies do not. But more and more of them are beginning to speak of actual Catholics as some sort of pariahs, speaking of us in terms of the enemies of the State.
It's not been that long in this country since Catholics were treated as the enemy. It was really only in the wake of World War II where Catholic servicemen fought alongside millions of their non-Catholic American brothers-in-arms that we caught a break.
Ten years later, Abp. Fulton Sheen was dominating the airwaves, speaking of Catholic majesty and truth and virtue. His Life Is Worth Living television show was the number-one-rated show when it aired from 1952 till 1956. He even won the Emmy award for "Most Outstanding Television Personality" in the show's first year.
Sheen — American born and Catholic formed — was a strident patriot and a zealous anti-communist. He often railed against the evil of Marxism, even famously saying of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin on the air, "Stalin must one day meet his judgment." The next week, Stalin hit the floor, dead from a stroke.
Of course, this was all nearly 70 years ago, and a lot has changed in America since then. America has Marxist creep. It has become this way because the American experiment is based on the foundation of a virtuous people. Once virtue leaves the room, chaos sets in. Sheen never had to talk about widespread ills of our society — fatherless children, shattered families, an acceptance of homosexuality, abortion as the most common surgical procedure performed in the country.
It was precisely to prevent evils like this that Sheen preached to begin with. Yet here we are, a nation sunk so low that many are questioning, "Is America on life support; is this its demise?" Despite this past weekend's prayer rally organized by Frankin Graham (with a conspicuous absence of Catholic bishops, incidentally) the large gathering of thousands does not mask that America has traded vice for virtue.
Little by little, each election cycle, fewer believers vote, ultimately because there are simply fewer believers to vote. The scales are at the tipping point, and soon, barring some action by Heaven, they will complete their tilt toward godlessness, enshrining immorality into law and eviscerating any opposition to that what Bruening calls "the American ethos."
What has happened though is that what she describes as the American ethos is little else than a sophisticated way to speak of Marxism. Her American ethos is as far from the actual American ethos as James Martin's version of Catholicism is from actual Catholicism — which is to say light-years away.
Anti-Catholicism will soon become etched into that new ethos if the Marxists win this election. In some ways, in fact, it already has. President Trump had to actually come out this past weekend and address the entire topic of anti-Catholicism.
Now the last battle is being waged in the arena of politics. A win here for the Marxists means it's over. Time will be all there is standing between faithful Catholics and those who want to destroy them. Consider, almost a hundred Catholic parishes or shrines around the nation have been vandalized this year.
Faithful Catholics have been insulted, spit on at pro-life prayer sessions and vilified in the media for defending Catholic teachings. This will not go away if Biden wins. It will increase — it will, in fact, come to be blessed by the State (for how else should an enemy of the State be treated?).
The case could be made — strongly — that 70 years ago, America was on the verge of becoming Catholic. But that was not to happen. Many of the religious orders — even back then — had already been penetrated (as well as Catholic colleges and universities).
The seminaries were beginning to stink of subtle heresy. The Church had been neatly prepared to be offered up to the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. By that time, enough of the hierarchy had become corrupt — doctrinally, liturgically, financially or sexually, or in some cases, all of the above.
A giant structure of the Church in America had been constructed in those first hundred or so years, and it would take a number of generations to dismantle it. But over the decades, dismantle it they did — the enemies of Christ inside the Church we're speaking of.
Their champion is Joe Biden; he is the very model of everything the current American ethos is about. And he is the very model at the same time of all that fraudulent Catholicism is about. He is the son of the fraudulent Church of Nice, and those in his entourage would turn around and smash the authentic Church to pieces.
Understand, Catholics who actually believe, understand everything that is at stake here.