How will the MSM cover illegal ballot-harvesting in Ilhan Omar's congressional district?

Guess why North Carolina's 9th Congressional District election was tossed out in 2018.  

Please read carefully the New York Times' answer to this question and note the underlined portions:

A Republican operative in North Carolina has been charged in connection with a voter-turnout effort that investigators said was intended to manipulate the results of a now-overturned general election for Congress last year.

In an indictment announced on Tuesday, the operative, L. McCrae Dowless Jr., was accused of obstruction of justice and illegal possession of an absentee ballot, among other charges. Seven other people were also indicted in connection with the election fraud inquiry, but prosecutors said the charges against one person were inadvertent and would be dismissed.

In the indictment, prosecutors alleged that Mr. Dowless directed others in the criminal mishandling of absentee ballots and that "spoiled absentee ballots were counted." Mr. Dowless's crimes, the indictment said, "served to undermine the integrity of the absentee ballot process and the public's confidence in the outcome of the electoral process."

"This offense was done with deceit and intent to defraud and against the peace and dignity of the state," said the indictment, which a grand jury in Wake County returned on Tuesday.

Those statements in the indictment against L. McCrae Dowless, Jr. should be genuinely concerning to every American.

I happen to live in North Carolina's 9th Congressional District, so I was shocked when I watched the Project Veritas report on illegal ballot-harvesting in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, represented by Ilhan Omar.

After the 2018 N.C. 9th Congressional District election, there was daily front-page coverage of the ballot-harvesting story in the liberal Charlotte Observer and nightly coverage on every local TV network news affiliate.  It didn't take long before every liberal cable and network news organization descended on Bladen County, N.C. and began their blanket coverage of the mail-in ballot harvesting scandal.

Oh, did I forget to mention that the N.C. 9th Congressional District race was won by a Republican?  And not just any Republican, but newcomer Mark Harris, who defeated three-term incumbent congressman Robert Pittenger in a close primary.

Pittenger was virtually assured to beat Democrat challenger Dan McCready, but when Pittenger was defeated by Harris, Democrats saw an opportunity to flip a seat held by Republicans since 1963.

Democrats poured tons of money into the race, and it looked like McCready would win going into election night.  But Harris pulled off an upset win by 905 votes.

And then it happened.

A local ABC reporter, Joe Bruno with WSOC-TV, decided to follow up on reports of alleged voter fraud in Bladen County, N.C.  It snowballed from there, and with evidence mounting, Mark Harris said he thought the best thing for the voters was to have another election, in which he would not participate.

Long story short: Republican Dan Bishop defeated Democrat Dan McCready by 3,788 votes and Republicans held the congressional seat.  (Kind of fun that McCready lost twice — and that it was such a blowout the second time.)

So the big question today is, how will the MSM cover the blatant illegal mail-in ballot fraud in Ilhan Omar's congressional district, and how will the Minnesota State Election Board respond to the facts?

And if it can be proven that the same mail-in ballot fraud happened in 2018, will Omar step down immediately?  Will Nancy Pelosi demand that she be impeached and replaced on the 2020 ballot?

We'll see...but don't hold your breath.

Maybe WSOC-TV can send reporter Mark Bruno to Minneapolis to investigate?

And maybe the N.C. Election Board can send its notes to the Minn. Election Board?

Image: Gage Skidmore.