Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tucker: Abortion is at the heart of why ‘miserable’ Dems are attacking Amy Coney Barrett 'At its core, Christianity is a threat to the left because it acknowledges an authority higher than the Democratic National Committee'


Tucker: Abortion is at the heart of why ‘miserable’ Dems are attacking Amy Coney Barrett

'At its core, Christianity is a threat to the left because it acknowledges an authority higher than the Democratic National Committee'
Tue Sep 29, 2020 - 5:03 pm EST
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September 29, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Last night, Tucker Carlson called out Democrats for bashing Judge Amy Coney Barrett for being Catholic and adopting two Haitian children.

After outlining Barrett’s technical qualifications to be a Supreme Court justice, Carlson said that the attacks on Barrett are knee-jerk responses to the values she embodies. 

“Even though on some level Democrats understand rationally that it’s a very bad idea to attack a woman for her family and for her religious faith, they can’t help themselves. Amy Coney Barrett represents everything that made this a great country. Therefore, they despise her,” he said. 

Carlson showed a clip of an MSNBC analyst denouncing Barrett as a hypocrite because the Catholic mom of seven won’t recuse herself from abortion cases.

“What this is really about is abortion. The left is worried that Barrett doesn’t love abortion enough,” Carlson said. “Where exactly is this guarantee in the Constitution for post-viability abortion? If you can find it, maybe you can tell us where it’s been hiding.” 

“But they can’t find it, they don’t want to have that debate, so they attack Barrett’s family.”

Carlson highlighted criticisms that have been leveled against Barrett and her husband for “the sin of adopting children from Haiti.” 

Professor and far-left author Ibram Kendi, in anticipation of Barrett’s nomination, went so far as to paint the adoption of black children as a potentially racist act: “Some White colonizers ‘adopted’ Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological children of these parents out of the picture,” he tweeted.

Carlson commented, “In a healthy country, the fact that the Barretts adopted two children from this hemisphere’s poorest nation in addition to having five of their own would be seen as heroic, because it is heroic. On the modern left, though, it’s viewed as dangerous.”

Carlson also noted that Barrett seems “well-adjusted and normal,” and that it is this that “drives the left completely insane. Amy Coney Barrett looks like a happy person. Her opponents clearly are not happy people. They’re miserable – that’s where their politics come from.”

Other Democrats have attacked her for being part of People of Praise, a community Carlson defended as a mainstream religious group with members on both sides of the political divide. In fact, Pope Francis appointed one of its members as auxiliary bishop of Portland, Oregon. “Probably not a right-winger,” Carlson quipped.

Bill Maher echoed this extremist portrayal of Barrett, and implied that her religious beliefs indicate mental illness. “She’s f----g nuts,” Maher said.

“Why do they hate Christianity? Well because at its core, Christianity is a threat to the left because it acknowledges an authority higher than the Democratic National Committee,” Carlson said.

“When Dianne Feinstein told Amy Coney Barrett during her first confirmation hearings just three years ago that ‘the dogma lives loudly within you,’ what Feinstein really meant was that Barrett’s dogma might be more powerful and enduring than the Democratic party’s dogma. The very idea of that is deeply offensive to them.”

  2020 ElectionAbortionAmy Coney BarrettCatholic

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