Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Israeli instant Covid gargle test set to deploy in European airports.....

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The Times of Israel
The Times of Israel
The Times of Israel

A new made-in-Israel gargle test for coronavirus is being deployed in European airports, after a leading aviation security company threw its weight behind the tech.

A freshly inked agreement will lead to the tests being piloted in two European airports within days or weeks, and comes as pilot programs for the tests are already underway in 12 hospitals internationally, Eli Assoolin, who led the development team, told Times of Israel.

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Caring About Their Urgent Needs

Dear Carl,

The record high number of coronavirus cases in Israel has forced the government to reimpose a full lockdown, despite the huge economic and human toll that takes. There is a growing sense of fear as the virus sweeps across the land even more widely than the first outbreak. At a time like this, it is more important than ever that we both tell and show the people of Israel that we are standing with them, and I'm asking you to do that today.

We are now working on the completion of an on-site kitchen facility at your Friends of Zion Center. We are building this massive commercial kitchen—fully kosher with separate areas for dairy, meat, and fish preparation—so it can be used to feed Holocaust survivors, IDF soldiers, event attendees, museum guests and staff. This project includes finishing the underground space we have set aside for this purpose...and it would cost almost 4 times as much to build the same facility above ground...and completely equip the kitchen, staff areas and offices.

This is a massive project, but it will allow us to do so much more, and we believe the investment is worth it. At the same time, we must also continue all of our other work—the delivery of food to thousands of poor Holocaust survivors, the global prayer outreach, the Ambassador Institute program and so much more. The only way we can do that is with the help of friends like you.

Your ambassador to Jerusalem,


Michael David Evans
Donate Now

Washing Dirty Feet

So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist… —John 13:4 NLT

The scene: The Lord’s Supper. In attendance: The disciples, including Judas.

When invited to a dinner, the lowest servant in the household drew the short straw and had to wash the dirty feet of the guests. We are not told why it was that as Jesus and the disciples arrived for the Passover meal, no one performed that odious task.

Because of that omission, Jesus had one more lesson to impart to his closest followers. Then the curtain is rolled back, and we see a stunning tableau as John 13:4 reveals his purpose: “Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him” (NLT).

He even washed the feet of Judas, His betrayer! Would you do that—with love and humility, give comfort to your worst enemy?

Pursuing God's Presence
Blessing of Aaron Tallit

When you send your gift of $60 or more (was $80), we will send you a Blessing of Aaron tallit.

Since ancient days, Jewish people have worn these prayer shawls, and this one is beautifully decorated with the Aaronic prayer of blessing: “The Lord bless thee and keep thee, the Lord make His face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee.”

For Your Gift of $60 or More
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Jerusalem Prayer Team | PO BOX 30246, Phoenix, AZ 85046 | | 1-888-390-7946

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