Abbas: “Christians and Muslims fight their enemy” – Israel, to rid the land of its JewsItamar Marcus | Feb 28, 2022 Abbas: “We have been the owners of this land since this land’s existence... We will remain in this land forever, while the attackers [the Jews] have no place in Jerusalem and no place here”PA TV preacher: Palestinian narrative is “the true unblemished and undisputed historical narrative,” Jews are “liars”

PA Chairman Abbas has stated that Christians and Muslims are united in “fighting” against the common “enemy” – i.e., Israel. He reiterated a common PA libel that Israel's goal is to “empty the land” of Christians and Muslims, and therefore they must join forces in getting rid of the Jews – because Christians and Muslims “have been the owners of this land since this land’s existence”:    
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “We know that the prime Zionist goal is emptying this land of its Christians and Muslims. They [the Jews] don’t want anyone here other than themselves. The Christians before the Muslims, because the Christians were here on this land before the Muslims... the Christian is the brother of the Muslim. They celebrate together, suffer together, live together, work together, and fight together against their enemy, because we have been the owners of this land since this land’s existence... We will remain in this land forever, while the attackers [the Jews] have no place in Jerusalem and no place here.” [Official PA TV News, Jan. 17, 2022]
The idea and goal that Israel will come to an end is pronounced in PA ideology and PA teachings. Recently Palestinian Media Watch exposed this in its report on Fatah’s Waed magazine for young children, ages 6-15. One of the central teachings in the magazine is that “Palestine” will inevitably replace all of Israel. Waed teaches Palestinian children that they are descendants of a “Palestinian-Arab-Canaanite” people who existed “5,000 years ago,” or “perhaps 10,000 years ago.” (Waed, Issue 37, pp. 13 and 22). On the other hand, Jews, who have a rich and well-documented history in the land over thousands of years are said to have never been in the land of Israel: “[Israelis are] foreigners who did not know Palestine and did not live in it – neither them nor their fathers and forefathers.” (Waed, Issue 36, p. 2) Abbas’ statement above, made at a meeting in Ramallah with Greek Orthodox Patriarch in Jerusalem Theophilos III, joins his and other PA officials’ numerous previous statements denying Jewish history in “Palestine.” A similar recent statement was made by PA Shari’ah Judge Abdallah Harb, who claimed Israelis/Jews are “liars” who invented a narrative and brought in archaeologists to prove a Jewish presence in the land but “didn’t succeed” because “they are the people of falsification and untruth”:  
PA Shari’ah Judge Abdallah Harb: “This land, the adults among us know, they [the Jews] did not establish a stone, a plot of land, or a structure, as they brought all the archaeologists [here] to prove that this land is theirs, that it is ‘The Temple Mount,’ that it is ‘the promised land.’ They didn’t succeed in this... They are oppressors, they are liars, and the right is ours. Ours is the true unblemished and undisputed historical narrative. They are the people of falsification and untruth.” [Friday prayers and sermon at a mosque in Ramallah, Official PA TV, Jan. 14, 2022]
Contrary to what the preacher claims, an abundance of archaeological evidence proves Jewish history in Israel, whereas the Palestinians have no history prior to the modern period. For example, the Kurkh Monolith inscription of Shalmaneser III king of Assyria (859–824 BCE) mentions the defeat of "10,000 soldiers of [King] Ahab the Israelite," which is the story told in detail in the Bible, (Kings 2, chap.19).
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