Monday, February 28, 2022

the Vortex...CATHOLIC FIGHTER And fighting is precisely what we need to do. February 28, 2022 50 Comments

 the Vortex

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And fighting is precisely what we need to do.

February 28, 2022  50 Comments

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.


I'm Michael Voris, coming to you from our weekend Church Militant Resistance Bootcamp in Tampa, Florida, where more than 150 faithful Catholics came to commit themselves to fighting the evil in the Church and its overflow effects in the culture.

Have you ever noticed just how frequently political characters pop up on the scene who are, on the one hand, responsible for the destruction of all that is good and, on the other hand, who are also baptized Catholics?

Each night on our Church Militant Evening News, we report on story after story with this driving theme in the background. In fact, we use the term "fake Catholic" so frequently, before so many names, it's almost becoming part of their official title.

Consider the vast number of these wicked fakes. Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Anthony Kennedy, Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi, Blase Cupich, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, John Kerry, Joseph Tobin, Terry McAuliffe, Xavier Becerra, Kathy Hochul, Sonia Sotomayor — the list is endless.

These individuals, fake Catholics all, comprise a virtual vanguard of the Culture of Death.

These fake Catholic clerics work in tandem with these fake Catholic politicians to produce evil.GabTweet

And they are merely a fraction — a scraping of the surface of a machine responsible for the utter destruction of hundreds of millions of souls, the obliteration of a nation, the wiping out of an entire civilization.

The combination of a morally bankrupt, thoroughly corrupt hierarchy coupled with power-hungry sociopath politicians has led to the current state of affairs. These fake Catholic clerics work in tandem with these fake Catholic politicians to produce evil.

However, one often-overlooked reason (perhaps the most important) in how they have been so successful, is the complacency of other Catholics, ones who allowed them to perdure in their wickedness and destruction. "Catholic enablers" would be a good label for this crowd.

The Texas primary is tomorrow, and one candidate running for governor, trying to pull off a huge upset, is Catholic candidate Don Huffines.

And unlike many other Catholics in the political arena, he not only recognizes that the U.S. hierarchy has played a significant role in the cultural devastation we are experiencing, he also is willing, as a faithful Catholic, to call them out.

This is one politician the bishops would drop dead from fear over if he got elected because imagine a governor of Texas publicly going after the cowardice of the bishops.

We have to now begin a giant pushback.GabTweet

One thing a vast majority of Catholics, ordained and lay, have failed to understand, although many are beginning to recognize the truth of it now, is the true nature of everything now playing out in the Church and politics.

Huffines has detected the same root cause of all that ails the Church and the culture, just as Church Militant has. In a time where actual Catholic — authentically Catholic — leadership is needed, the greatly upsetting reality is that, with rare exception, there really isn't any.

That has to change. Catholic voices must become more present, and then dominant, in the public square. And yes, that means politics as well as all the other institutions. There's a reason Satan perverted the hierarchy — so that weak men would flow from that and then take over the institutions and destroy the culture.

We have to now begin a giant pushback, a reversal of all that. It took them a century of intense work and dedication to accomplish their goal, and it will take us at least that amount of time to reverse it.

To watch the entire interview with Texas governor candidate Don Huffines, please just click on the link.

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