Saturday, February 26, 2022

Group of 14 Soros-Backed Democrat Attorneys General Plan to Help Mexico Destroy U.S. Gun Industry Warner Todd HustonFebruary 25, 2022


A group of 14 U.S. State Attorneys General are lining up to side with a Mexican plan to destroy America’s gun manufacturers and George Soros is paying for the campaign.

Why any American was give a damn about what Mexico wants is anyone’s guess, but it is no surprise that these Democrat traitors is siding with a foreign government over our constitutional rights.

Per the Truth About Guns:

Fourteen attorneys general filed amicus briefs supporting Mexico’s lawsuit against U.S.-based firearm manufacturers. Mexico is seeking $10 billion in damages alleging those manufacturers participate in negligent business practices and are responsible for “massive damage” that is “destabilizing” their country. The case is being ushered along by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

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“The Amici States – Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, and Oregon – have a strong interest in preserving the remedies afforded by state common law and by state statutes,” wrote the attorneys general of the states. “We also have a paramount interest in preserving all lawful tools — including statutory and common law remedies for unlawful conduct — to deter gun violence within our borders.”

One of those tools happens to be the deep pockets of billionaire ultra-liberal Soros, a gun grabber on an international scale. Soros is a perennial donor to leftist political candidates including those who support gun control.

The AGs who are pushing Mexico’s claim include: “Democratic Attorneys General Maura Healey (Mass.), William Tong (Conn.), Kathleen Jennings (Del.), Holly Shikada (Hawaii), Kwame Roul (Ill.), Andrew Bruck (N.J.), Hector Balderas (N.M.) and Letitia James (N.Y.) all hail from states with strict gun control laws and espouse policies that align with Soros’s Open Society Foundation’s gun control ideologies.”

Isn’t it just like a Democrat to take the money from anti-American billionaire and one-time member of Hitler’s Nazi Party and then to side against America?

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