Medicine submits to Marxist model

Dr. Aletha Maybank, chief health equity officer, American Medical Association: "Welcome to 'Prioritizing Equity.' I'm Dr. Aletha Maybank, chief health equity officer and senior vice president at the American Medical Association."
The medical establishment is falling for the Marxist ploy of factionalizing people and disregarding the character and merit of the individual. In tonight's In-Depth Report, Church Militant's Paul Murano reports on how top medical schools are incorporating elements of critical race theory into their curricula.
America's health care is being radicalized.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas: "Critical race theory is bigoted, it is a lie and it is every bit as racist as the klansmen in white sheets."
Critical race theory has made it all the way up to the nation's top medical schools, into the mandatory training of our future physicians.
Aubrey Tuell, student, University of North Carolina: "It's at the point now where universities care more on what race the applicant is than how qualified they truly are."
Cornell law professor William Jacobson, who founded the Legal Insurrection Foundation, has done much research on the movement of reverse discrimination and CRT in schools, colleges and universities.
William Jacobson, law professor, Cornell University: "What I am against is what's happening at Cornell and elsewhere. ... They're going to mandate taking a course which is essentially critical race theory for all students — mandate students, faculty and staff go through training programs."
He illustrates in his comprehensive databases at that critical race theory — the anti-White, Marxist ideology centered on power struggle and division — has infiltrated the training ground of future medical doctors.
Twenty-three of the top twenty-five medical schools (according to U.S. News rankings) mandate some form of CRT training. Seventeen of the twenty-five require additional training for faculty and staff. And 16 declare anti-racism will be embedded in their general medical curriculum.
Jacobson: "The time has come to end this legally sanctioned discrimination."
Currently, Jacobson says, "medical school activism is playing out in real-world patient care, injecting racial preferences into COVID therapeutic eligibility."
The American Medical Association last year pledged to use its influence to dismantle what it calls "structural and institutional racism" in America's health care and to bolster the leftist concept of "health equity."
Jacobson: "Equality means you treat each person equally, without regard to skin color. Equity as used in the social justice movement now really means a racial balancing."
On the heels of the medical industry embracing the killing of preborn children as "reproductive rights," it has now embraced blatant discrimination in the name of equality.
Dr. Aaron Carroll, podcast host, Healthcare Triage: "There's still a long way to go to improve how the medical field treats minority patients, especially African Americans."
This is just another example of CRT principles displacing those of the color-blind, character-based civil rights movement.
While recognizing health needs of different populations is important, Professor Jacobson calls medical students becoming racial activists "dangerous." Patients must always be seen and treated as individuals, he notes.