Monday, February 28, 2022

HEADLINES...Pro-Lifers Oppose Supreme Court Pick Biden's nominee wants to enshrine abortion on demand...Poland Aids Ukraine​​​​​ Catholic nation opens churches for refugees of war.


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FEBRUARY 28, 2022

Get briefed on today's top stories with Christine Niles.

Pro-Lifers Oppose Supreme Court Pick
Biden's nominee wants to enshrine abortion on demand. FULL STORY

Vacation Invasion 
Joy Behar blasted for complaining about ruined trip. FULL STORY

Poland Aids Ukraine​​​​​
Catholic nation opens churches for refugees of war. FULL STORY

German Priest Convicted 
70-year old cleric sent to prison for child abuse. FULL STORY

NCR Slams Strickland
Readers of dissident rag tear into faithful bishop. FULL STORY

Catholics Sue VT Officials
Students file suit alleging discrimination. FULL STORY

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