78,189 views • Aug 25, 2021 • Last week, we talked about Holy Communion being a gift and not a right owed to us by God. This may sound like the Church …
My friend told me a story once about when he was a younger man. He was in the habit of sleeping around with girls, cheating on girlfriends, trying to pick up girls at nightclubs etc and going to confession before Mass every Sunday so he could receive Holy Communion. One Sunday, he unknowingly went to a TLM parish and went to confession before Mass started. He confessed the same sins he was used to confessing. The Priest asked him if these sins were common for him and he admitted they were, so he refused to absolve him and told him to earnestly repent before trying to receive The Eucharist again. At first, my friend was very upset about what happened. It rocked him so hard that he actually stopped attending Mass for an entire year. Eventually, he realized the Priest was right for doing what he did. My friend started to take his faith seriously. He came back to the Church, changed his ways and became so knowledgeable about the faith that he actually sponsored me in my RCIA class. Denying Holy Communion to those that aren't living in unity with the teachings of the Church can be the most pastoral thing a Priest can do.