Wednesday, June 1, 2022

the Vortex..Church Militant..BAD MEN Spiritual terrorists. June 1, 2022 47 Comments

 the Vortex

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Spiritual terrorists.

June 1, 2022  47 Comments


Wow, what a difference a holiday weekend makes — especially for bad men.

Let's start, shall we, in Rome, with the "shocking" not-shocking news that Pope Francis elevated one of the most homosexual-friendly bishops in the United States, Robert McElroy of San Diego, to the College of Cardinals.

Seriously, a known sodomy-supporting bishop has been put in the position of voting for the next pope. But of course, on that score, he's not the only one (Cupich in Chicago and Tobin in Newark, just to name a few).

Still, there is a certain stench around this particular appointment — and that's saying something when you consider those other two. McElroy, for example, had been informed about Theodore McCarrick before all the news about the ex-cardinal homopredator and, of course, deep-sixed it.

In a 2016 interview with the heterodox Jesuit magazine America, he said, "The destructive attitude of many Catholics to the gay and lesbian community is motivated by a failure to comprehend the totality of the Church's teaching on homosexuality." He says active, unrepentant homosexuals can have Catholic funerals.

McElroy tossed out some Catholics who were asking questions he didn't like about homosexuality.GabTweet

At a series of 2018 "listening sessions" about the clerical sex abuse crisis, McElroy tossed out some young, devout Catholics who were asking questions he didn't like about homosexuality. He was the featured speaker at the 2018 Association of United States Catholic Priests' meeting — a pro-gay organization.

He's on record as saying the Catechism needs to change its language and not call homosexual acts intrinsically disordered. He asserts the insane claim that climate change kills more people each year around the world than abortion. That's 40 million victims, for the record.

He never stops going on about illegal immigration — as in the need for everyone to be let in. Yep, this guy's a real winner. And now, he's on track to have a say in who the next pope will be.

I bet he votes for himself.

And speaking of winners, also as the Memorial Day weekend approached, Dubuque archbishop Michael Jackels issued one of the most demeaning letters you could imagine to Catholics in his archdiocese in reaction to the recent Buffalo and Uvalde mass shootings.

He says, for example, "You've got to wonder about reasons for refusing reasonable limits on gun ownership," and adds, "we readily identify things like abortion and capital punishment as life issues, but protecting the earth, our common home, or making food, water, shelter, education and health care accessible, or defense against gun violence ... these are life issues too."

Ah, the voice of homopredator Cdl. Joseph Bernardin and his "seamless garment" garbage screams from his grave yet again.

In the minds of these prelates, everything is a life issue, but what they always fail to state is that there is a hierarchy of life issues. They are not all equal.

The only reason abortion exists is to deliberately kill an innocent human. That's it. But the crazy archbishop then goes on to attack Catholics fighting abortion, saying:

Some people want to repair the scandal of pro-choice Catholic politicians by refusing them the Eucharist. But that's a misguided response for at least two reasons: As Jesus said, it's the sick people who need a doctor, not the healthy, and He gave us the Eucharist as a healing remedy; don't deny the people who need the medicine.

That is so theologically twisted that it proves the reality of just how malformed these old men are. Notice how he conflates two unrelated aspects here.

True, Our Blessed Lord did say the sick need a doctor, but it was not in any manner in context with reception of Holy Communion. It was when the hypocritical Pharisees challenged Him for eating with tax collectors — nothing to do with the Eucharist.

So is Jackels just stupid about that, or is he deliberately misleading? 

As for the point about the Eucharist being medicine — again, more twisting of truth. A soul in a state of mortal sin (Catholic pro-abort politicians, for example) is dead.

Hence, the term "mortal sin" — a concept that seems lost on most of the U.S. hierarchy, perhaps because many of them are likely in that state themselves, given the condition of the Church and their preaching. You can't administer medicine to a corpse, Archbishop.

But then he brings it home: "Also, to be consistent, to repair the scandal of Catholics being indifferent or opposed to all those other life issues, they would have to be denied Holy Communion as well."

Umm, no they wouldn't. Not even close.

No Catholic is deliberately voting in support of gun rights so that mass shootings will happen, Archbishop. No Catholic is voting to deny food, water, shelter, education and health care to people.

This is the distinction that these liberal (or malformed) bishops never seem to make. And the Catholic mind makes distinctions because distinctions need to be made. A person's intent matters.

Abortion is done intending to kill an innocent life. Period. And not just an innocent life, but the most vulnerable life you can imagine, with zero capacity to defend itself. These other smokescreen issues are just that — smokescreen. They are a balancing of rights with other rights, and, in political terms, they result in policies that often are imperfect. But to suggest that those on either side are heartless killers and should be denied Holy Communion is absurd and insulting.

You can't administer medicine to a corpse, Archbishop.GabTweet

Nancy Pelosi and many other so-called Catholics are heartless killers, Archbishop. In no way can they be compared to Catholics who support the Second Amendment. You're theologically nuts, Archbishop. Completely crazy.

Where did you go to seminary, Our Lady of Climbing the Episcopal Ladder? You owe Catholics an apology for your muddled, confusing letter.

This is the sorry state of the episcopate these days — nutty statements fired off by old men in miters who feel (feel, not think) they speak with some authority that allows them to override Catholic teaching and just plain old common sense.

Jackels, in his letter, does not speak for the Church because he does not speak with a Catholic mind or heart or even a Catholic sense. But if he keeps stupidly yammering on like that, who knows, maybe he'll be the next U.S. cardinal.

He's only 68, which means if he became a cardinal, he could keep screwing up the Church for another dozen years, just like McElroy, who is also just 68.

  • Won't McElroy need to update his Grindr profile status to Cardinal?

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        been discussing three days of darkness.. Seems to me that in a blink of an eye, being God's eye, God is so big to imagine Him blinking takes more than three days to complete. And the three days is only the "moment" God's eyes are completely shut.
        That being said I pray every day for all souls to come to Christ especially those most in need of His mercy

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            Sickening does not adequately describe men like McElroy and his fellow men in robes that are determined to bring souls to Hell with them.

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                (I'm yelling from my house top)

                VIVA CRISTO REY!

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                    Get your beeswax candles blessed and ready. Our Lord’s Patience is running out…

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                        Thank you again, Michael, for putting this Vortex together, It can't be easy to talk about all that is wrong within the church we all love so dearly. Every time a schismatic bishop opens his mouth he provides enough material for another Vortex!

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                            I have to back away from this stuff every now and again to keep from falling into depression. We can't vote our bad and weak leaders in the Church. They've supposedly been "established and ordained by God" or so we're told. They're in these positions, for whatever reason and we've had the "bad eggs" before in our history. God seems to permit this kind of stuff for reasons only he understands. I sure don't. These guys are pure evil. We have a government run by the same type thugs. Crooked men that despite all the evidence that's disclosed about their "wickedness" we seem to be powerless to do anything about it.

                            We seem to simply have to sit back and watch as evil runs rampant these days. Our efforts to correct the evil seem miniscule at and ineffective and folks just don't seem to give damned. I can only hope that this prophesied day called the "Illumination of Conscience" that's popped up here of late actually happens. It's the only way I think we'll get get back on the right road again. Problem is, as I understand it, is that it also will bring a purgation, the likes of which we've never known. But even if it means a giant house cleaning of humanity I can't help but believe that, we deserve it. I don't see any other way of getting back on track without "Divine Intervention". How that might work out I don't know but I sure feel it's on the way. Come Lord Jesus Come !

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                                "False Prophets" - we were warned - they are here.

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                                    Contraception is intrinsically EVIL.
                                    Contraception: "THE DEATH PILL".
                                    Contraception has been institutionalized by the liberal catholic Church.
                                    Contraception is virtually NEVER mentioned by these liberal sodomite bishops.
                                    Contraception. I could go ON & ON & ON!

                                    The VICIOUS SILENCE & SPIRITUAL ABUSE from the Pulpit has been going on my / our whole life.
                                    I thank our Loving, Sweet, Lord Jesus Christ for Church Militant & all the Militants here who are fighting for the Holy Catholic Church!

                                    Jesus have mercy on me a Sinner.
                                    VIVA CRISTO REY!

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                                        It is SO depressing that these so-called 'men' are actually ordained to follow The Apostles footsteps, yet they are the farthest thing from being Shepherds and leaders ... they truly are followers of Judas!!

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                                            So here’s a wee bit of irony: the USCCB is going to spend millions on Eucharistic Coherence campaign JUST AS they themselves display a sickening inability to agree whom to give It to. Sorry state of the episcopate indeed.

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                                              Ever notice how the Democrat Party and the liberal wing of the Roman Catholic church are practically indistinguishable. Both preach compassion, social justice, equality, climate change, anti-gun rhetoric, community, but in reality they represent the devil himself, and all of these virtues are merely smokescreens.

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                                                Nothing changes but the date. We can't change anything in the horrible leadership in the United States and in the leadership in the Catholic Church. So goes the Church, so goes the Nation. Both are doing the work of Satan and the demonic. They are all in it together. What was good is evil and what was evil is good. Only the return of Jesus Christ can save and change it all.

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                                                    The fact that these theologically corrupt bishops have less catechetical understanding than my Deacon's children is horrifying. I cannot for a second buy into the notion that these defiant bishops had malformed studies in the seminary, but instead that they actually know and support heresy.
                                                    Trump - Ukraine - Freedom Convoy - MTG

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                                                        This episode of the Vortex gets at the crux of what the future church will look like. The decisive vision of so many bishops who want to transform the church into something so antithetical to its original founding and purpose it makes your head spin. McElroy, who obviously takes the side of Pelosi and not Bp. Cordileone, is threatening exclusion from worship. This is a most serious period in our church, and bishops like McElroy, who are schismatics, need to be excommunicated!

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                                                            "Where did you go to seminary (Bishop Jackel), 'Our Lady of Climbing The Episcopal Ladder?'"
                                                            Gold! Genuine MV gold!
                                                            Trump - Ukraine - Freedom Convoy - MTG

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                                                                Too many Wolves in sheep's clothing.

                                                                Matthew 7:15
                                                                “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
                                                                -- Jesus Christ

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                                                                    At the human level these poor men are insane. The problem is that they are taking souls to hell and Francis is OK with it.

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                                                                      When I hear about these bad bishops I think of Isaiah 3:4 where God "And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them." Douay-Rheims has the word effiminate in their translation, also. This has to do with corrupt leadership.

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                                                                          If you are a bad person, and you are not chastised by God in this life, it is a most frightening thing. So much more the case for bad, corrupt, immoral bishops. So if it seems that God is letting them 'get away' with evil, pity them. And pray for their conversion before it's too late.

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                                                                              Sad when a layman understands theology better than a priest, bishop, cardinal or pope. The Church is in bad shape.

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                                                                                Judging by their own words, neither of these guys are even nominally Catholic. Neither of them should be receiving Holy Communion or have any ministerial role in the Church.

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                                                                                    Iowa has always been on the cusp: it either elects dedicated prolifers or vehement abortionists. It is one of those states where the dividing line is clear. An Archbishop who muddies that is pastorally and theologically dishonest.

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                                                                                        These men will stop at nothing to show how with-it and groovy they are. For aging boomers it's all about how the look to others: being the coolest guy wins you heaven. They know little and care less about their role in saving souls. They are hirelings at best.

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                                                                                            A Pope is decided by 2/3's plus one vote by the College of Cardinals. Francis is ensuring that the next Pope will be just like him as he stacks the College with homosexual, or homosexuality supporting men. Cardinals Gregory, Cupich, Dolan, nighty-night Tobin, and O'Malley are US Cardinals, who along with the rest of the homosexual Hierarchy, are responsible for the Catholic Church spiraling out of control. Does the current state of the Church look like its going to change anytime soon?....

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                                                                                              These disordered men went to college in the late 70's about when I did. Guess what classes were least taken at my college? Reasoning and Logic and, yet, as electives I found them the most useful to my entire education and career. St. Thomas Aquinas would have been required reading prior to these men joining seminary. Not sure if it was while they were there.

                                                                                              Two lies we must address. First, as Michael states, McElroy trying to mislead Catholics into thinking that climate change has killed anyone on this planet is just ridiculous and demonstrates just how uneducated this idiot prelate is. But what did we expect? These are the same nutcases who went along with all the "science" of covid that defied the real natural order of science we had established for hundreds of years.

                                                                                              The other lie is from the jackal bishop. Telling someone who is immersed in sin that the Holy Eucharist is their healing remedy is against Church doctrine because it skips over an important step on the way to remediation. A person who is not in a state of grace must attend the Sacrament of Confession first before engaging in communion with the Church. How does a bishop of the Church omit that important component?

                                                                                              This disorder is evil and is most likely inspired by Satan for it is the objective of the evil one to promote the desecration of the Holy Eucharist by having those in a state of sin to contribute to their own perdition. St. Paul reminds us; "..whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of our Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of our Lord....For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgement upon himself." This is more evil than we may realize.

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                                                                                                  I can't give them a pass on the premise that the disordered men "didn't get classes on Reasoning and Logic in the 70's." So, what have they been doing since then? They had 50 years to learn and understand the Faith. When I returned to the Church after a 20 year absence, I bought the Catechism and listened to faithful Catholic Apologists and knew the basic Teachings of the Church in short order.
                                                                                                  Trump - Ukraine - Freedom Convoy - MTG

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                                                                                                      I was not intending on using the observation to provide them an excuse for their evil and disorder. So generally I agree with your position. It is only identified as a major contributing factor to their disordered nature.

                                                                                                      When foundations of logic are not instilled in people from an early age, as we observe today with almost every leader of every country, of our institutions and of the hierarchy of our Church, then we cannot ever expect to see justice, peace, truth, goodwill or even sanity to triumph in our world. We shall not see any of these things until we remove and replace the root of the problem and that is the corrupted people who hold all of these positions of power and authority. It is not just our bishops that are leading us to hell through their lunacy but they are a major part of it. When the Church cannot be the voice of reason in a world gone mad then what is left to save us from the abyss of insanity and evil?

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                                                                                                      There has to be a more disgusting word than "stench" to describe the smell this creates.

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                                                                                                        Everyone should contact their Bishop and find out when they are going to put out a letter supporting Archbishop Cordileone.

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                                                                                                            Hmmm more spiritual terrorists promoted to bring about the One World Order sooner?

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                                                                                                                McElroy and Jackels are acting insane, like some drug ridden rockstars. Lost souls who've lost their minds. It's as if they are deaf to any truth, but they will wake up, albeit too late, on judgement day.

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                                                                                                                    Hey! I'm 68! But I digress.

                                                                                                                    These bishops would have been raised in the same world and era as I was. What caused the difference in our theologies?

                                                                                                                    When I was in college and university my Catholic Faith was challenged constantly. No real problem, the priests I knew, and my Catholic Elementary School education kept me on track. I'm thankful for that.

                                                                                                                    What has happened to these bishops? Let me say: All men in their minds are horndogs, including myself. I got married and still had to control all feeling as a man but directed it into a sacramental marriage.

                                                                                                                    So something else is going on here. I think I know but this is not the time for me to share it. Peace . . . JO

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                                                                                                                      Birds of a feather flock together --- pro-gay McElroy is maybe gay as well as PF?

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                                                                                                                          I'm pretty sure that Cupich hides behind McElroy's promotion. In 2018 Cupich invited McElroy to be the keynote speaker at Chicago archdiocesan priestly convocation. (Source: "HETERODOX BISHOP ADDRESSING CHICAGO PRIESTS" by David Nussman • Church Militant • June 18, 2018)

                                                                                                                          FYI, McElroy has two doctorates: 1. In Moral Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, and 2. In Political Science from Stanford University, CA which he obtained in the 9th year of his priesthood. (Other Stanford graduates include such greats as Cory Booker, Rachel Maddow, and Chelsea Clinton.)

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                                                                                                                              When 'INTRINSICALLY DISORDERED' men insist that sodomy, smut viewing along with drugs isn't an issue and even chastises the Catholic Church that clothes, feeds and houses them quite nicely l might add...that's traitorship of the evil kind.
                                                                                                                              There, that wasn't so hard was it? I wrote 'INTRINSICALLY DISORDERED' IN BIG, FAT LETTERS in case their chancery readers can't see too well.
                                                                                                                              I'm sure Monseigneur 'Grindr' still in hiding l suppose, can find time to listen to Michael's excellent VORTEX and make the decision to out BOTH Jackels and
                                                                                                                              McElroy either as enablers or into sodomy themselves.
                                                                                                                              Oh, C'mon now. ENOUGH is ENOUGH already.
                                                                                                                              Wonder how both Archbishops...Gomez of Los Angeles and Cordelione of San Francisco think about that snub, don't you?
                                                                                                                              You Satanist Cardinal Bernadin channelers sure set yourselves up for Eternal
                                                                                                                              reckoning. Guess you both don't really believe in the Four Last Things...neither does Bergoglio, but he sure loves the 'confusion'.
                                                                                                                              It's one thing to mislead yourselves...but to drag others to commit mortal sin...
                                                                                                                              Pains of Hell...will they quench what's parched? No!

                                                                                                                              Wednesday June 1st Feastday: St Angela Merici (1540) V., F. of the Ursulines,
                                                                                                                              took in wayward girls with charity. (Trad) 💐

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