It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. THE QURAN: A Deadly DecisionAdnan made the dangerous decision to openly question the Quran in Lebanon. After accusing Adnan of having an evil mind, they ordered him to leave the mosque and pray at home.
ISA VS. JESUSAbout four years ago, Adnan made the dangerous decision to openly question the Quran in Lebanon. He had read the entire Islamic text multiple times and studied it carefully, but many verses still puzzled him. Adnan called the pastor and was invited to visit his church. But accepting the pastor’s invitation in an area controlled by the Islamic extremist group Hezbollah came with considerable risks. Though Lebanon has a sizable Christian population, Christians frequently face persecution, and Muslims who seek to learn about Jesus as the Son of God are specifically targeted. People living in Lebanon’s urban areas are generally more accepting of other faiths, but Christians outside these cities, especially those living in majority-Muslim areas, face significant opposition. Adnan accepted the pastor’s invitation, and during their time together, the pastor answered his questions clearly and without hesitation. He also explained what Christians believe about Jesus. While the conversation touched Adnan deeply and he felt like his burdens were lifted, Adnan still wrestled with the thought of leaving Islam for Christ. As he lay in bed that night, he called out to God. “God, please help me,” he prayed tearfully. “I want to know the truth. I need your help. Just give me a sign that I should follow you.” After falling asleep, Adnan had a vivid dream in which he heard Christ call to him: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” As Adnan awoke, his eyes again filled with tears as he placed his faith in Jesus Christ. “That was the first time in my life when I woke up and I felt peace inside,” he said. Soon, Adnan’s relatives and friends began to see changes in his behavior. He had always been angry with his wife and children, at times smashing dishes in a rage. But now, the fits of rage stopped and he showed love toward people he once hated. But Adnan’s new faith had the opposite effect on his family. When his wife heard that he’d left Islam, she started sleeping in another room with their three children, believing she was forbidden to sleep in the same bed as her infidel husband. Adnan’s father responded more harshly, telling him that if he went to church again, he would kill him. Adnan prayed for his angry father and trusted in God. “Because I knew Christ,” he said, “I was not afraid to be killed.” Today, Adnan remains committed to studying the Scriptures, growing in faith and reaching Muslims with the gospel. His wife tolerates his Christian faith, but their marriage and other family relationships are difficult. Adnan asks for prayer that his family will hold together despite the challenging environment they live in and that his relatives will come to know Christ. The war between the brothers, Ishmael & Isaac, has threatened Israel since Abraham decided to have relations with his wife’s maidservant. A decision that has haunted Israel since. Muhammad, a descendant of Ishmael, decided to rewrite the Holy Scriptures, starting with replacing references to Jesus with Isa. Within those changes, he made impotent the primary doctrines OF Jesus. One primary being, Jesus is not the Son of God, nor is He God. The Islamic claim is… According to the religion of Islam, the prophet Muhammad was visited by an angel in AD 610. Muhammad said that the angel appeared to him in the Hira cave near Mecca and commanded him: “Read!” Muhammad responded, “But I cannot read!” Then, the angel embraced him and recited to him the first verses of the Surah Al-Alaq. This became the beginning of the Qurʾān, which now contains 114 chapters called Surah. Al-Alaq means congealed blood, as the angel revealed to Muhammad that God created man from a blood clot. From this first chapter of the Qurʾān, Muslims believe Muhammad continued to receive revelations, which make up the rest of the Quran, until he died in AD 631. However, even devote Muslims have questioned the motive of Muhammad writing these so-called messages given to him by a spirit on the cuffs of Jesus’s arrival and redemption for humanity. I have learned that this single factor becomes the doorway to evangelizing the people of Ishmael. The primary difference between the Bible & the Qurʾān: The Christian’s Holy Bible demonstrates that Jesus is precisely who He said He is– fully God and fully man. He is the Son of God and the second Person in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead to save all those who put their trust in Him. The word “Christ” means “Messiah” (anointed one), sent by God to save the people. The name Jesus means Savior or Deliverer. The Qurʾān teaches that Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) was only a messenger, like many other messengers (prophets) before him. Because Jesus ate food like other beings, they say he was mortal, not God, because Allah does not eat food. (66:12) Thousands of Muslims are being converted to Jesus due to “catching” these glitches in the Qurʾān. Many are asking questions as to the “why” the Qurʾān teaches hatred toward the Jews and the Gentile graphed believers, indwelt Christians. As it was noted to me by one of their converted Imams, “A revival has been ignited within the Islamic community. Masses within the Muslim community are discovering the real Jesus.” If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:10)If you are a reader who is “catching on” to the deceptions hidden within the Qurʾān, you might want to read my simple description of ‘Checking for Indwelling Salvation’ while considering the prayer at the end of my short description. HERE Or maybe you are curious enough to know more about how Islam, descendants of Ishmael, play an important role within our Lord’s End Times. Consider ordering my book, “The End Tims, The Brewing Storm.” HERE Consider supporting our friends at Voice of the Martyrs HERE.Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |