Gary Varvel: When America gave thanks to GodA review of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamations
GEORGE WASHINGTON’S PROCLAMATIONOn October 3, 1789, the first President of the United States, George Washington, issued a national Thanksgiving Proclamation. It began by saying:
First of all, notice that Washington said it’s the duty (obligation) of all nations to acknowledge (admit, concede) the providence (protective care) of “Almighty God.” Washington mentions God twice in the first paragraph and a total of 15 times in his Proclamation. Second, he says we are to “obey His will.” News Flash: We can’t obey His will if we don’t know His will and we can’t know His will if we don’t read His word. Third, after saying that we should obey God, Washington says that we should be “grateful (thankful) for His benefits.” Fourth, he says we should “humbly to implore” “His protection and favor.” Humility is a word our generation doesn’t understand and “implore” means to plead, beg, ask God for His “protection and favor.” In the third paragraph of Washington’s Proclamation, he does something that is unheard of today but something that is desperately needed. He said:
“Transgressions?” That means “sins.” And “beseech Him to pardon” means Repent! Americans have a lot of “beseeching” and repenting to do today for disobeying God’s will by aborting 62 million babies, redefining marriage and genders, record-setting crime, homicides and immorality. Will President Biden issue a Proclamation to repent of our national sins? Will he even acknowledge Almighty God, our duty to obey Him and our thankfulness for His benefits? Or will he drone on and on about what big government can do for you and end with a “God bless, uh, you know, the thing.” It’s obvious from Washington and the Founders’ writings that they sought the Creator God and God answered by making the United States of America, the greatest nation in history. Washington designated Thanksgiving Day to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26, 1789. John Adams and James Madison similarly declared Thanksgiving a holiday. ABRAHAM LINCOLN’S PROCLAMATIONBut it wasn’t until October 3, 1863, at the height of the Civil War, when our 16th President Abraham Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Day Proclamation and it became a national holiday. He encouraged Americans to set aside a day of prayer and thanksgiving. The Proclamation began by saying:
Lincoln admitted that we are “prone to forget the source” of blessings and then acknowledged “Almighty God.” Forgetting our Creator seems to be our default setting. History is full of examples of good people living like practical atheists. Lincoln wrote:
Lincoln addressed the civil war but then lists the good things that were happening in our country. This is a needed lesson for us. When we are faced with suffering, that is the time to count our blessings and thank the Giver of the blessings. Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Lincoln continued:
Lincoln admitted that no human wisdom or hard work had produced our blessings. No, they were the gracious gifts of God while He dealt with America in His anger for our sins. Next, Lincoln called for Americans to join him on the last Thursday of November to humbly pray for those who had lost loved ones in the war and to “fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation.” Did you notice that both Washington and Lincoln spoke often about God? Perhaps that is why they are legendary. Their faith in Almighty God enabled them to do great things in His power. Oh, if only God would give us a leader who is not afraid to call on our nation to repent and return to God. Who knows perhaps the new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson will be such a man. ARCHIVE: Another 2022 cartoon. THANKSGIVING GALLERYARCHIVE GALLERY: Every 8 seconds you’ll see a Thanksgiving cartoon from the past. RIGHT LINKSTownhall - Sarah Arnold: Tucker Carlson offers grim warning for the U.S. in 2024. HUMOR ME (winners announced tomorrow)HUMOR ME: Fix my cartoon with a snarky remark. Email your entries to Winners announced in Friday’s newsletter for paid subscribers. My Latest Series of EssaysPart 1 — God’s 7000-year timeline: Mount Sinai, Transfiguration, Jericho and Sabbath Prophecies Part 3 — God’s 7000-year timeline: Hosea and Woman at the Well Prophecy Part 4 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Lazarus Prophecy Part 5 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Job Prophecy Part 6 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Jubilee Prophecy Part 7 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Good Samaritan Prophecy Part 8 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Creation Prophecy Part 9 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Wedding in Cana Prophecy Part 10 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Esther Prophecy Support my work by visiting my online store at're currently a free subscriber to Views From The Right. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |