Friday, November 24, 2023

Joe Biden asked a six-year-old girl one awkward question that will have you shaking your head in disgust November 22, 2023...Joe Biden has always exhibited strange behavior around little children. But this time Biden went beyond strange.


Joe Biden asked a six-year-old girl one awkward question that will have you shaking your head in disgust

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden asked a six-year-old girl one awkward question that will have you shaking your head in disgust

Joe Biden has always exhibited strange behavior around little children. But this time Biden went beyond strange. And Joe Biden asked a six-year-old girl one awkward question that will have you shaking your head in disgust. Over the years, Joe Biden has developed a reputation for the odd way he acts around young children, especially in public.

There are viral videos online showing Joe Biden’s strange interactions – whispering in their ear, touching their shoulders, and sniffing their hair – with children during his time in office, going all the way back to when he served in the U.S. Senate.

Donald Trump dubbed him “Creepy Joe” because of his odd behavior around young children. On Sunday, Joe Biden attended a Thanksgiving celebration at a naval base in Norfolk, Virginia.

While speaking to the attendees, Joe Biden noticed a little girl in the audience sporting Mickey Mouse headwear.

Biden walked over to the young girl, bent down, and said he loves her ears and thinks they are “really cool.” “I love your ears,” Biden told the girl. “I love them – they’re really cool.”

“What’s your name?” Biden asked the young girl, who responded that her name was Catherine. “What a beautiful name,” Biden said, before adding “that’s my mommy’s name.”

That’s when the conversation turned awkward. “Well, nice to see,” Biden said, before asking the girl, “How old are you?”

“17?” Biden guessed.

“6,” the girl responded to the 81-year-old President. “6??!” a confused and disappointed Biden responded.

Of course, this is not the first time Biden seemed mesmerized by a little girl.

In 2021, Biden attended an event for military personnel in Hampton, Virginia.

During his speech, he pointed toward the family being honored and said “I love those barrettes in your hair, she looks like she’s 19-years-old.”

Biden said, referring to a girl who appeared to be elementary-school aged, before adding that she’s “sitting there with her – like a little lady with her legs crossed.”

And last year while posing for pictures in public with a young girl, Biden grabbed a little girl by the shoulders and said, “Now, a very important thing I told my daughters and granddaughters: ‘No serious guys until you’re 30.’”

Democrats will eventually have to start making sure there are no little children visible when Biden appears in public.

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