It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. NUMBER SEVEN: The Seven ChurchesThe seven churches depict the Church Age from the day of Pentecost to the day of the Rapture. Once the Rapture occurs, we find something significant regarding the Seven Churches.
SEVEN LETTERS TO SEVEN CHURCHESThe book of Revelation reveals the most important spiritual codes surrounding the Number Seven, specifically the Seven Churches. Our Lord had, and has, a specific message for each of the seven churches – and for all churches throughout the ages. Several churches received a message containing commendations and sweet encouragement, but mostly prophetic warnings if they did not change their ways. Out of the Seven Churches, oddly enough, only two of them escaped the warnings of Jesus due to their faithfulness; the other five, however, were in danger of losing their way amid the cultural deprivations of their time. Before we begin, let’s look at a snapshot view of these churches:
IDEOLOGIES OF THE CHURCHChurch, in the Greek (ekklÄ“sia), means to call out. The modern term is to “bring the cream to the top.” The concept here is to call a group of unified believers to go public as a body revealing the indwelling Spirit (fire) of the Life of Christ. The word church is always associated with Israel. The Old Testament, or Hebrew for Synagogue, means “a fire signal,” signifying a group that displays the light & power of the Spirit of God for the ages. The reason behind the Word of God isolating all branches of churches under the Number Seven is not complex. God’s creational design of Earth and all that is within it – all focus on a mirrored image of the Sevens in Heaven. As for our churches, there are seven lampstands, seven angels (messengers) assigned to each lamp stand, and seven stars in Jesus’s hand, representing the seven leaders of each church – to represent Jesus being head of the Church while managing the seven churches through their representative pastors or leaders. This is why pastors are under stricter judgment and receive higher honor & blessings. The seven stars in Jesus’s right hand are beyond significant. Since each star represents the seven pastors of each fellowship, the right hand speaks of lordship (ownership) and control. As most know, when Jesus parted the Earth, He went back to Heaven to serve at the right hand of the Father. God the Father is the Number Seven; it is one of His Hebrew names. Power, in God’s domain, always comes from the right hand, which identifies ultimate authority. As Jesus sits on His Father's right side, He inherits the power of His Father by being His Father’s “right hand.”
"But from now on THE SON OF MAN WILL BE SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND of the power OF GOD." (Luke 22:69) Many wonder where the Bride of Christ (The Church) is positioned in Heaven. That would be where all Queens sit - on the right side of the King of kings, Jesus Christ.
The reason believers have the power to overcome darkness and attacks of God’s enemy is due to the dynamics of right-handed power; since Christ is blessed with power, the Bride of Christ (Church), being on the right side of her Husband, grants the Bride (believers), the power to live victorious through the Holy Spirit who releases the power of the Father through all authentic believers. In understanding this, when a believer forgets how power is released through the authoritative structure of God’s right hand, the church as a single unit shifts from the power of Jesus to the limited power of Satan, minimally the power of one’s flesh. Now, we can review the Seven Churches. Keep in mind that as Jesus addresses each church, He reveals His Seven Attributes at the beginning of each address: EPHESUS (Revelation 2:1-7)The Compliment: The church started out being strong in persevering through toil and hardship. They did not tolerate evil men. They tested all who claimed Jesus as their Savior – and their leaders. They were unafraid to call fake believers false. Finally, originally, they were known for not growing weary under pressure. The Warning: Jesus had these things against this church. The church at Ephesus left their first love in Christ. Thus, they reverted to self-love, self-protection, and self-governance. If repentance does not occur, Jesus will remove them as one of the seven lampstands in Heaven. The Challenge: Evaluate how their fellowship fell into lovelessness. Repent of these choices. Return to the deeds of the Holy Spirit from within their souls. The Modern Church: These are the denominations and fellowships that have turned the word “love” into a form of self-first, Christ second, or not at all. SMYRNA (Revelation 2:8-11)The Compliment: Jesus acknowledges their tribulation and poverty. He reminds them they are rich in Christ. The Warning: Jesus identifies them as being of the synagogue of Satan. They are warned that suffering will come upon them through Satan casting some of them into prison. Jesus uses this to test each to separate true believers from the fake. The Challenge: If the members of this church survive the test allowed by Jesus and remain faithful unto death, then, and only then, will they receive the Crown of Life. If they do not endure to the end, the Crown of Life will be withheld. The Modern Church: These are the denominations and fellowships that blend forms of Satanic doctrines with their beliefs in Jesus. These churches look and sound like the lost world that is under the control of Satan. PERGAMUM (Revelation 2:12-17)The Compliment: Jesus acknowledges their ability to hold fast in His name while being at the epicenter of Satan’s throne. Originally, they did not deny Jesus’s faith when their leader, Antipas, was murdered for his faith. The Warning: Jesus confronts them with their shift from believing authentic Christians to the teachings of Balaam (Satanism). He fronts them on their practices of foods sacrificed to demons while committing acts of immorality. Finally, Jesus confronts them about listening to Deacon Nicolaitans, a Bishop of the Roman State Church. The Challenge: If the members of this church survive the test allowed by Jesus and remain faithful unto death, then, and only then, will they receive the Crown of Life. If they do not endure to the end, the Crown of Life will be withheld. The Modern Church: These are the denominations and fellowships that closely align themselves with the Roman State Church and the global church of Satan. THYATIRA (Revelation 2:18-29)The Compliment: Jesus acknowledges their deeds, love, faith, service, and perseverance are greater than the day they began as a fellowship. The Warning: Jesus confronts them with their tolerance of female-driven worship of female prophets, likened to Jezebel, resulting in a church practicing immorality. The Challenge: If the members do not repent, each will be thrown on a bed of sickness, allow their children to be put to death, and give each member the consequences according to their deeds. The Modern Church: These are the denominations and fellowships that use female pastors & leaders. These fellowships are predominately ruled by women, requiring men to submit to the pretense of female authority. SARDIS (Revelation 3:1-6)The Compliment: No positive attributes noted. The Warning: Jesus confronts them with their reputation of being alive, but in reality are dead. The Challenge: Jesus commands them to wake up, strengthen what remains, and no longer depend on their fake excitement & deeds. The Modern Church: These are the denominations and fellowships that are embedded in emotional worship, miracles, and emotive-driven activities. These fellowships are focused on self-life pleasures and modalities. PHILADELPHIA (Revelation 3:7-13)The Compliment: Jesus knows them by their love. He calls them an open door to the Kingdom of God. He notes their strength in keeping His Word, thus never denying His name. The Warning: No warnings noted. The Challenge: Jesus reminds them that a church that overcomes the throws of Satan - He will make this church a pillar in the Heavenly Temple of God. The Modern Church: These are the denominations and fellowships that remain faithful to the Word of God, practice the deeds of the indwelling Life of Jesus, and stay faithful in loving the lost and fellow Bridal Members of Jesus. LAODICEA (Revelation 3:14-22)The Compliment: No positive attributes noted. The Warning: Jesus confronts them with their habits of not being “hot” or “cold” in the mouth of their Savior. They are tepid (lukewarm) people who have lost the sting of sin and death. He also confronts them because their wealth has overpowered their faith. Jesus warns them that He will spit them out of His mouth. The Challenge: Because they were neither “hot” nor “cold,” Jesus will spit them out of His mouth and remove their candlestick from the altar of God. Furthermore, Jesus reminds them that those who overcome this lukewarm state will sit with Him at the right hand of God the Father. The Modern Church: These are the denominations and fellowships that are lukewarm in their beliefs – a fellowship without strong conviction, denies God’s judgments, the sting of sin & death, exaggerates the Grace of Christ, and evangelistic forthrightness. The seven churches depict the Church Age from the day of Pentecost to the day of the Rapture. Once the Rapture occurs, we find something significant regarding the Seven Churches – all those that Jesus warned to repent and refuse to do so will be left behind and ultimately will face the Antichrist, the same worker of the throne of Satan that battered the original Seven Churches.Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |