Editor’s note: This is part two of a four-part series on the continuing paganization of America, a country that was once to be set apart as a “city upon a hill”... a country to be emulated. In Part One, I detailed how the seeds of paganism entered the mainstream in our country through New York City… long considered the gateway to America. It started with Madam Blavatsky, who cracked America’s door open with her “mystery religion” teachings. Alice Bailey kicked it wide open with her New Age philosophy. Both women relied on worldly wisdom and the mysticism of Hinduism to influence their writings and never on the wisdom of the Word of God. It’s not that some of these things might have been in America before... it's that these two women became the “influencers” of their time. It was the invention of mass distribution newspapers and radio that brought their ideas into the mainstream. After Bailey’s death in 1949, America entered a decade of unparalleled prosperity. The trials of the Depression and the horrors of World War II were behind us. The 1950s were good. But at the same time, that prosperity also created a sense of complacency. That false sense of security caused people to forget about the things of God and take comfort in the material things of this world. As the decade of the 1960s dawned, things began to change. The visions of Blavatsky and Bailey re-emerged with a vengeance. In Chapter 12 of the Book of Matthew, Jesus spoke about how an unclean spirit will be restless once put out of a house. “When it returns to the house, and finds the house vacant, swept clean, and put in order... it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and dwell there, and the final plight will be worse than the first.” In the 1960s, America had forgotten its great awakenings of years past. It failed to slam shut the spiritual door Alice Bailey had kicked wide open. And it pushed God out of its house, leaving it vacant for evil to enter… and it did. The 1960s would be the decade that changed everything. The elimination of school prayer, the sexual revolution, and the Stonewall Riots began the descent into the godless country we find ourselves in today... and in what Alice Bailey called the Age of Aquarius. The 1967 chart-topping hit song Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In by the 5th Dimension helped promote this notion of a massive shift in thinking... the “Age of Aquarius”. The shift would be from Biblical Christianity to the widespread embrace of New Age Pagan practices based on astrology... just as Alice Baily had promoted in her writings. 1962 marked the elimination of school prayer, eventually completely taking God out of our schools and replacing Him with today’s LGBTQ agenda. The sexual revolution of the 1960s, fueled by declining moral values and newly available birth control pills, would eventually lead to the legalization of abortion in every state. In 1962, Helen Gurley Brown published Sex and the Single Girl: The Unmarried Woman's Guide to Men, Careers, the Apartment, Diet, Fashion, Money and Men. In 1969 Joan Garrity, identifying herself only as "J.", published The Way to Become the Sensuous Woman, with information on how to have unconventional sex. The same year saw the appearance of David Reuben's book Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask). Then there were the Stonewall Riots, a series of violent protests by members of the gay community in response to a June 1969 police raid at the Stonewall Inn in Lower Manhattan, (once again in New York City). At the time, homosexuality was still illegal in New York. Patrons of the Stonewall Inn (a gay bar) and others fought back when the police moved in to make arrests. The riots were the watershed event that launched the LGBTQ movement of today. Did a link exist between Madam Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and nine other unrelated individuals who would further push America toward paganism? As it turns out, there was... That link would again come through the same place… New York City. The United States Supreme Court first met on February 1, 1790, in the Merchants Exchange Building in New York City... the exact same city that saw the entrances of Madam Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. Only later would the Court move to Washington, D.C. Beginning in the early 1960s, a series of five rulings by nine unelected individuals would change the definition of what was lawfully considered moral and legal in America. Like Blavatsky and Bailey’s writings, their rulings not only ignored the Word of God... but mocked it. The first of these decisions by these nine justices was Engel v. Vitale, a 1962 case in which the court effectively removed prayer from American schools. The original plaintiffs maintained that the words “Almighty God” used in a school prayer violated their religious rights. The second would come in 1973. The court’s now famous Roe v. Wade decision granted women the constitutional right to terminate their pregnancies... legalizing abortion in all of America for 50 years. (Thankfully, this was reversed in 2023 with the Dobbs case, which gave the power to ban abortion back to the states.) The third came in 2003 with the case of Lawrence v. Texas, when the court’s ruling legalized homosexuality in America. The fourth was in 2013 when the Supreme Court overturned the Defense of Marriage Act in The United States v. Windsor. That ruling legalized same-sex marriages in states where they had already been permitted. Then, in 2015, the Supreme Court thumbed its nose at the Biblical definition of marriage as only between a man and woman and legalized gay marriage in the U.S. with Obergefell v. Hodges. America had chosen to turn away from the things of God and embrace the wisdom of man’s legal system... thinking that if something is legal, it is also somehow moral. Nothing could be further from the truth… The Supreme Court is still making these types of rulings. Just last week, the Court refused to reinstate Florida’s law banning children from overtly sexual drag shows, with Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and John Roberts voting with their liberal colleagues. The United States Supreme Court, comprised of nine unaccountable lifetime appointees, made decisions that went against the Word of God. By removing prayer from schools, legalizing abortion, endorsing sexual perversion, and destroying the definition of marriage, they foolishly furthered the pagan visions of Madam Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. What began in the 1960s would then set the stage for what would come next… Next time - Part III: The Growing Lack of Restraint If you are enjoying our posts, help us cover the expense of this blog by buying us a coffee! |