Thursday, November 23, 2023

Yaakov has his famous dream of the ladder, and, in the midst of this prophecy, Hashem declares to him ‘Ha’aretz asher attah shochev aleiha lecha ettenennah ulezar’echa’ – ‘this land upon which you are sleeping is given to you and to your future descendants, the Jewish people’.


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Dear carl

We should be positive and never despair.

That’s the message emerging from Parshat Vayeitzei.
Yaakov has his famous dream of the ladder, and, in the midst of this prophecy, Hashem declares to him ‘Ha’aretz asher attah shochev aleiha lecha ettenennah ulezar’echa’ – ‘this land upon which you are sleeping is given to you and to your future descendants, the Jewish people’.
‘Vehayah zar’acha ka’afar ha’aretz’ – ‘and your descendants shall be like the dust of the earth’. ‘Ufaratzta’ – ‘and they shall be spread out’. ‘Yammah vakedemah vetzafonah vanegbah’ – ‘to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south’.
Seforno comments on the fact that these directions are neither clockwise nor anti clockwise, indicating the unpredictable haphazard life of the Jewish nation...

For the rest of this D'var Torah, click the links below to watch the video or download the printable transcript.

Watch: The Chief Rabbi's D'var Torah
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