Trump Calls On Christian Base At Nashville Event

Trump campaigned on Christian values, and in his four years as president his actions followed through with his words. He appointed three Supreme Court justices who were critical in overturning the Roe v Wade decision via the historic Dobbs case. He was the very first president to speak in person at the annual March for Life. Even pro-life presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush and George W. Bush spoke to the rally remotely via the Oval Office.
He reinstated the “Mexico City” policy, which prohibits federal funding of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that promote or perform abortions.
He also followed through on a campaign promise to move the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move praised by Christians and in keeping with the Judeo-Christian view of history. This displayed Trump’s formal recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem.
Trump exhorted the Nashville crowd on the absurdity of voting Democrat: “How any Christian can vote for a Democrat — Christian or person of faith — how you can vote for a Democrat? It is crazy.”
Along with conversion, forgiveness is central to all Christian denominations. Trump has had a past that involved marital infidelity and association with adult entertainment stars. His conservative Christian base overwhelmingly backs him despite all of this, largely due to his actions as president.
His current legal troubles, involving a host of criminal and civil cases, are seen for the political witch hunt that they are. These persecutions have done nothing but galvanize and energize his Christian base. The backlash against the blatant lawlessness behind these cases has made the GOP nomination a layup for Trump.
In GOP primary results to date, such as Iowa and New Hampshire, Christian conservatives voted Trump in overwhelming numbers. In the upcoming South Carolina primary, Trump is expected to handily defeat his last remaining opponent Nikki Haley, who hails from that state and served as its Governor.
Speaking of his opponents who espouse Marxist ideologies and use fascist tactics against him, Trump summarizes the sentiments of his Christian base: “What they cannot stand is that in the end, we do not answer to bureaucrats in Washington; we answer to God in Heaven