DEM JUDGE MOVES TO KICK TRUMP OFF ILLINOIS BALLOTA Democratic Illinois judge ordered that former President Donald Trump’s name be removed from the state’s primary ballot, claiming that the former president “engage[d] in insurrection.” Illinois is set to hold its Republican presidential primary on March 19.READ
BIDEN TELLS SANCTUARY CITIES TO COOPERATE WITH ICEThe Biden White House this week said it wants sanctuary cities to refer criminal migrants over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for possible deportation. When running for office, Biden answered “no” when asked if undocumented immigrants arrested by local police should be turned over to ICE.READ
ALABAMA REPUBLICANS PASS PRO-IVF BILLThe Republican supermajority in both houses of the Alabama legislature overwhelmingly passed bills to provide the state’s in-vitro fertilization (IVF) industry with legal immunity Thursday. CatholicVote’s Tom McClusky said the move means “if the IVF industry implants the wrong embryo into the wrong woman, the IVF industry is exempt,” and if it “sells off a couple's embryos for experiments, it can not be sued.”READ
POLITICO REPORTER APOLOGIZESOne day after CatholicVote President Brian Burch and Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council demanded an apology, Politico National Investigative Correspondent Heidi Przybyla wrote she is “sorry” for her “clumsy” words smearing “Christian nationalists” during a recent MSNBC segment. "Reporters have a responsibility to use words and convey meaning with precision,” she wrote Thursday, “and I am sorry I fell short of this in my appearance."READ
MISSOURI SUES PLANNED PARENTHOODMissouri Republican Attorney General Andrew Bailey on Thursday filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood Great Plains, claiming the organization traffics children over state lines to obtain abortions without parental consent.READ
BIDEN: ‘I DON’T AGREE’ WITH CHURCH ON IVF EWTN White House correspondent Owen Jensen on Thursday asked President Joe Biden what he thought about the Catholic Church’s teachings on in-vitro fertilization (IVF). “I don’t agree with that position,” Biden responded before walking away.READ
UGA’S SHERIFF RAN ON DEFYING ICE During his successful campaign four years ago, Democratic Athens-Clarke County Sheriff John Williams said he would refuse to “create a culture of fear” by cooperating with federal immigration authorities. “It is not my intention to cooperate with detainers,” he said in 2020.READ
FEBRUARY HEROES & ZEROES You deserve to know exactly where our Catholic leaders stand – both the heroes who stand up for the truth and the “zeroes” who cause grave scandal by their words and actions. Who do YOU think made the list this month?READ
PRAY TODAY Join the CatholicVote staff at 10 AM Eastern today to pray. More than ever before, America needs YOUR prayers. Subscribe to receive notifications when CV prays LIVE, and join us in praying for the soul of our country.SUBSCRIBE
TAKING GOD’S NAME IN VAIN A LOOPer suggested we address a pervasive problem: The use of the Lord’s Name in vain in the public square. It’s everywhere! On TV shows, in your kids’ school – even in commercials and children’s programming. “But as Catholics, I think we should do more than just gripe about it,” writes CatholicVote’s Erika Ahern. Here are FIVE WAYS you can start defending the Holy Name of God today!READ
LOOPer FRIDAY RECIPES: PART 2LOOPers love to eat! Here is the second installment of our most popular series. Expand your horizons beyond the fish fry.READ
THE REAL SWORD IN THE STONEThe Sword in the Stone is a well-known legend of King Arthur, and most of us are sure to remember seeing the Disney version as a kid. But did you know the sword in the stone is real? It was a miraculous event that took place in Italy and can still be seen. But rather than make a king, it made a new man in Christ. Here's the story.READ
CATHOLIC 101Fasting is one of the hardest parts of the Christian life (Jesus said “when you fast,” not “if”!), and like any difficult thing that we absolutely must do, it becomes more tolerable with some positive motivation. These sayings of the saints and Fathers of the Church about the great power that comes from fasting are just the push we need!READ
SAINT OF THE DAYSt. David of Wales is remembered as a missionary bishop, the founder of many sixth-century monasteries, and the patron of the Welsh people. He was well known for the strict asceticism of the monasteries he founded. His rule of life included long prayer, hard manual labor, and silence. It did not include meat or alcohol; the men lived off bread, water, and vegetables. St. David’s last words were recalled by Pope Benedict XVI when he blessed a mosaic of the saint: “Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things.”READ
DAILY PSALM “Remember the marvels the Lord has done.” (Psalm 105:5)READ
BEAUTY “Descent from the Cross” is an incredible ivory sculpture that was painstakingly carved into a single elephant tusk by German artist Adam Lenckhardt (1610–1661). The highly detailed piece took him seven years to complete.LOOK
Paid for by CatholicVote Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) organization.
CATHOLICVOTE | PO Box 3310 | Carmel, IN 46082 | (317) 669-6127