It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. #3 Cultural Preeminent DarknessRenouncing Faith | Dr. Stephen Phinney: It takes a stupid mind to determine what God means by what He says. Remember that stupid means knowing the Truth but refusing to act upon it.CULTURAL LIE | RENOUNCING FAITHYou can't renounce something you never had to start with.Statistics never lie. Really? While I enjoy the plethora of hours I’ve spent researching, I have kept a few primary factors in mind: First, statistics are typically gathered from deceived people. Second, and more importantly, these statistics are compiled from followers of Christ, not indwelt believers, a distinction that holds a confession. Allow me to explain.Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test? (2 Corinthians 13:5) THE DECONSTRUCTION OF FAITHToward the end of 2020, many leading Christian Research Institutions gathered data on the trending ideology of deconstructing one’s faith. Two of those institutions called it the "new normal." All agreed it is the fastest-growing movement within the church today. More alarming is that the lion's share of these deconstruction stories comes from pastors who deconstruct their faith. On one leading website, these pastors said, "Those who deconstruct their faith discover a life-giving and ultimately faith-affirming process." The problem with this kind of stinky thinking is that most who deconstruct their faith never return. Is this heresy at its best? You will need to decide. The Word is always absolute. Today, the masses have made it relative.A question found on a trendy website, which encourages Christians to deconstruct their faith, begs for clarity: “What happens when everything you once believed about God begins to crumble?” First, this is a foolish, subjective, and relative question. It isn't the doctrines of God that are crumbling, but rather the person asking the question who is melting into the progressivism of unbelief. The standard for those who suffer from unbelief is simple: someone must be blamed for their discomfort. And that someone is usually God. While researching many stories of Christians renouncing their faith, I found a common denominator. In 100% of these cases, a traumatic event ignited the process. Most suffered from the loss of a loved one, and some had a dramatic social history of depression, frequently sustained by a history of suicidal ideations or attempts. In fewer stories, I found readers who stumbled across skeptical content online were challenged to question the reality and authenticity of the Bible and the existence of Jesus. However, in those cases, the readers' backgrounds were filled with atheism before exploring such misnomers. In every case, I found a disdain and fear of being judged by others, expecting God to change all of life for their demise. Doubt is the driving force behind deconstruction.Doubt is a healthy and needed emotion. Without doubt, salvation(s) is impossible. Without a doubt, God can separate a lost generation from the demise of a demonic culture and church. The irony is that doubt usually refutes the absolute truth source, thus, blaming God. The displaced blame hinders, if not eliminates, the source that is put in place to deliver them from their difficult circumstances while offering hope for a new life in Christ. God does not reconstruct a new life in Christ by an existing life; He terminates a life through co-crucifixion with His Son (Rom. 6:6, Gal. 2:20). This absolute fact becomes the greatest fight-for-life in a lost soul. Remember, the miracle of salvation is in dying to live –eternal life. Recently, the UK released statistics regarding its people's faith, claiming 56% of its population have no faith. Americans are not far behind. The deception hidden within these statistical walls is erroneous, meaning the surveyed populous is non-religious and is confused about following Christ versus being indwelt by Him.All humans are devout in their religious beliefs, even atheists. The question is, "Who is their god?" For self to be God, one must renounce all other gods. Once this is accomplished, the individual can form any god they desire, ultimately fulfilling Satan's goal perpetrated on Adam and Eve - “You will be like God” (Genesis 3:5). Both Adam and Eve became their individualized gods since the sin of self-governance and self-authority was appealing. Hopefully, you can see that the ideology of theological deconstruction is not new. It was the first sin and certainly will be the last as well. Progressive thinking is not progressive at all; it is regressive. While many believe progressive thinking keeps up with progress, it does not. Progressivism is a political philosophy in support of social reform. The idea that progress is advanced through science, technology, economic development, and social organization is supposedly vital to improving the human condition without God, but rather through science. The movement was ignited during the Age of Enlightenment in Europe by the Masonic Temple worshippers, who were/are universalists. Their objective was to demonstrate that societies can better themselves by strengthening empirical self-knowledge and individualized self-as-God as the foundation of a progressive society. This movement replicated the original sin, spreading throughout the world as the dominant philosophical thought for all humanity. Also, historians determined this ideology or revolution as the leading cause for the masses to forsake their beliefs in God's absolute doctrines and His Holy Word. Since absolutes are the greatest enemy of dependence, Satan's objective took the front position through progressivism, an ideology stealing the hearts and minds of millions who once believed in the absolutes of God and His written Word. It takes a stupid mind to determine what God means by what He says. Remember that stupid means knowing the Truth but refusing to act upon it. A mind such as this diminishes what God said: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways” (Isaiah 55:8).While churches make money from liberal educators, our theological institutions produce grave and depraved thinkers in the church. Their propagating followers of Christ to self-interpret what God means by what He says through deconstructing the Gospel for self-justified reasons results in endless translations, publications, interpretations, and erroneous disdained beliefs in who Jesus is. Meanwhile, the absolute doctrines of being born-again drift into progressivism's modality. When this happens, the need for the mind of Christ through indwelling/born-again salvation becomes faint. Review authentic Salvation HERE. Wade into the quiet pool of inquiry—where ripples of curiosity meet the stillness of introspection. There, beneath the Lord’s watchful gaze, let your thoughts unfurl like delicate petals. These questions are not mere words; they are the keys to chambers where wisdom resides. So, my reader, prep your fingertips to type your answers:
Please pick one question and comment on this post with your answers. Your comments will help others in the battle against adopting cultural darkness. The End Times Cultural Preeminent Darkness Series tackles demonic doctrines and movements that rise against Christianity head-on. While you would think Christians would be the example of battling the enemy's tactics, research proves they are not. Most integrate demonic doctrines into their lukewarm faith, resulting in a compromised testimony, causing the believer to fade into a social gospel. We are dedicating the year 2024 to battle such challenges. Join us every other Tuesday. On the off Tuesday, Dr. Phinney’s wife, Jane, will host her “My Heart Undressed” series.Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |