Have you wondered why the pro-Hamas protesters’ are sleeping in matching tents from Amazon? And have you noticed that many of their signs look like they just came from the sign printer? Who is paying for this? According to the New York Post: ‘George Soros and other elites are funding the campus agitators stoking anti-Israel, antisemitic protests.’ Of course, the Washington Post. And how did these college students get so twisted in their thinking that they would support terrorists who slaughter innocent women and children? Townhall’s Derek Hunter says, “These protests are the result of bad parenting and an education system churning out morons.” As Walt Kelly’s famous cartoon Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” “In the long term, we are all dead.” This was John Maynard Keynes’ famous answer to the question about the long-term consequences of Keynesian economics which called for government investment - ‘spending.’ As you can see in my cartoon, the real monster under the bed of future generations is the national debt of $34.6 trillion. In Dave Breese’s book, 7 Men Who Rule The World From The Grave, he wrote, “Keynes did not envision government intervention as a permanent factor in the economy but rather saw it as a temporary stimulant to bring on further employment and raise the levels of business investment activity.” * But future generations have come to see the government as the final resource and the answer to every problem. In essence, government had taken the place of God. British author and theologian G.K. Chesterton said, “Once abolish the God, and the government becomes the God.” Keynesian economics was the fulfillment of that quote. The First Commandment is, “You shall have no other gods before Me” - Exodus 20:3. In the beginning, many asked, “Where does all the money come from?” The deceptive answer from President Franklin Roosevelt’s administration was, “That is no problem because, of course, we only owe it to ourselves.” Initially, that was true. But today, other countries hold our national debt (China, Japan, Brazil). There was a time in America when politicians campaigned on reducing the debt. That is until, conservative Republican President Richard Nixon made a surprise public confession. He said, “I am a Keynesian.” Breese wrote that from that point on, “No presidential candidate has seriously promised to reduce the debt.” In 1945, there were 42 workers paying for every retiree. By 2010, that ratio was 2.9 to 1. Today it is 2.7 to 1. The troubling fact is, Social Security expected to run out of money in 2034. What then? Print more money? Look, the American experiment of a government of the people, by the people and for the people had a successful beginning because the people were moral and religious. John Adams, the second president of the United States, said, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion … Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Adams was right. National morality has not prevailed in America because we have excluded the most important religious principle — the First Commandment. We replaced God with human government. Politicians, unbridled by moral and religious principles give in to human passions and spend money they don’t have, on things we don’t need, to get elected by voters they don’t like. This is why our culture calls evil, good and good, evil (Isaiah 5:20). * Excerpts from my 2021 essay. Be sure to click the like button. It helps me reach more people.RIGHT VIEWSVIDEO: Wallbuilders’ Tim Barton shares the incredible story of President George Washington's charge to us as a nation if we want to succeed in the future. Red State - Jennifer Van Laar: Gavin Newsom asked the internet to submit designs for a new coin honoring California's innovations and hoo boy. They are hilarious. The Federalist - M.D. Kittle: The president spent the night at the lavish White House Correspondents’ chuckle fest cracking jokes about the political opponent he’s trying to imprison. The Federalist - Steve Roberts and Oliver Roberts: Lawfare land update: Here’s the latest information you need to know about each prosecution Democrats are waging against the Republican presidential candidate. A new HUMOR ME cartoon coming TuesdayMy Israel essay series:Part 2: God’s promise to Israel Part 4: God’s restoration of Israel to Himself My essay series on America’s spiritual war:Part 1 - The War Within America Part 2 - The War Within America - Baal Part 3 - The War Within America - Ishtar Part 4 - The War Within America - Molech Part 5 - The War Within America - Fundamental change My Series of Essays on God’s TimelinePart 1 — God’s 7000-year timeline: Mount Sinai, Transfiguration, Jericho and Sabbath Prophecies Part 3 — God’s 7000-year timeline: Hosea and Woman at the Well Prophecy Part 4 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Lazarus Prophecy Part 5 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Job Prophecy Part 6 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Jubilee Prophecy Part 7 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Good Samaritan Prophecy Part 8 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Creation Prophecy Part 9 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Wedding in Cana Prophecy Part 10 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Esther Prophecy Support my work by visiting my online store at garyvarvel.com/storeYou're currently a free subscriber to Views From The Right. 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