FLORIDA STUDENT PROTESTERS REMINDED OF RULES AND CONSEQUENCES Pro-Palestine protesters at the University of Florida (UF) reportedly decided to end their encampment on campus after the university distributed a handout reminding them of prohibited activities and “Consequences for Non-Compliance.” “Individuals found responsible for engaging in prohibited activities shall be trespassed from campus,” the handout stated. “Students will receive a 3 year trespass of suspension. Employees will be trespassed and separated from employment.” READ |
VILLANOVA TO HOST ‘HOW TO TALK TO KIDS ABOUT GENDER IDENTITY’ According to an ad shared with CatholicVote, an hour-long discussion titled ‘How to Talk to Your Kids About Gender Identity’ is set to take place at Villanova University just outside Philadelphia this Monday. One of the talk’s speakers is an employee of the Catholic university’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) office. Founded in 1842, Villanova is affiliated with the Order of Saint Augustine (Augustinians). READ |
BIDEN: ‘I’M HAPPY TO DEBATE’ TRUMP During an interview with controversial longtime radio host Howard Stern, President Joe Biden appeared to agree to a future debate with his presumptive general election opponent, former President Donald Trump. When Stern asked Biden if he would debate Trump, the president replied, “I am somewhere. I don’t know when. I’m happy to debate him.” READ |
UN EXPERT PRAISES REPORT SLAMMING ‘TRANS’ FOR KIDS The decision by all health authorities in the United Kingdom (UK) to suspend so-called “gender-affirming care” medical treatments for children and teens is a “welcome” move, says a top United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council-appointed expert on violence against women and girls. UN Special Rapporteur Reem Alsalem expressed appreciation for a report, led by British pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass, which found “remarkably weak” evidence for benefits of medical intervention for children expressing gender dysphoria. READ |
RADICAL MUSLIMS BURN DOWN CHRISTIANS’ HOMES IN EGYPT A group of Muslim extremists on Tuesday reportedly set fire to several Coptic Orthodox Christians’ homes in southern Egypt while the residents were still inside. The extremists also set fire to several shops owned by Christians in the same village as their homes, in Egypt’s southern Minya province. According to International Christian Concern, “As the flames grew, the extremists attempted to prevent Christians from leaving their burning homes. However, authorities reported that there were no fatalities.” READ |
ANALYSIS: IVF IS NOT PRO-LIFE “The IVF industry enables the abortion industry by feeding the cultural entitlement to God-like powers over life and death,” pro-life scientist Katy French Talento writes in The Federalist. “[O]nly about 10 percent of lab-created embryos are born alive,” she adds. IVF treats these "tiny humans as commodities to serve the needs of adults who may not even be related to them.” Talento served as a healthcare policy advisor in the Trump administration. READ |
NOTRE DAME STUDENT EDITOR CALLED TO RELIGIOUS LIFE In his final article for The Irish Rover, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus W. Joseph DeReuil issues a blistering reflection on Notre Dame’s treatment of journalists at the student-run publication and makes an exciting announcement about his future. “Notre Dame is dead,” stated DeReuil in his April 24 article. Widely regarded as one of The Irish Rover’s most pioneering editors-in-chief, DeReuil also announced that he would be entering the postulancy for the Norbertines of St Michael’s Abbey. READ |
FORMER PORN ACTRESS SHARES HER CONVERSION STORY Bree Solstad expected nothing, if not mockery, when she announced her “life-altering conversion” to Catholicism and subsequent decision to quit sex work. Solstad, known as “Miss B” on social media, shares how the Virgin Mary, St. Clare of Assisi, and Italian architecture all brought about her conversion in an exclusive interview with CatholicVote. READ |
LOOPCAST Protestor Divestment Demands Explained, Presidential Immunity, And The NPR CEO Is 100% A Fed. Producer Alyson joins Tom and Josh to discuss who is actually running our schools in America – the protesters, or the board of educators? SCOTUS must decide what is covered by presidential immunity, and women's hockey pledges allegiance to LGBTQ. LISTEN |
LOOPers SHARE MORE HOME ALTARS We asked our LOOPers to share how they glorify God in the everyday through their home altars and prayer spaces, and were not disappointed. Check out some of the incredible responses we received, sure to evoke wonder and inspiration! Part 2 of an ongoing weekly series READ |
MAKE AHEAD BRUNCH A Saturday morning is the best day to sleep in, but also the perfect day to have a nice brunch instead of a quick breakfast. Sunday presents the recurring conflict of getting ready for Mass while also trying to throw food on the table. Or perhaps you’d like to make a nice birthday breakfast for someone, but it’s in the middle of the week? Here are make-ahead brunch recipes that solve all those problems. READ |
ST. GIANNA MOLLA, A GREAT PRO-LIFE SAINT Renowned Catholic journalist Austin Ruse shares a touching and profound story about how the intercession of St. Gianna Molla – whose feast day is Sunday – changed the lives of his family. “Gianna Molla chose possible death rather than receive medical treatment that might have harmed her unborn child,” Ruse writes in Crisis Magazine. “Her child was born, and Gianna Molla died. She is a great pro-life saint.” READ |
FIRST COMMUNION GIFT GUIDE The parish First Communion season is upon us! This is one of the biggest moments of a young child’s life and the primary focus should be on the source and summit of our faith: this young child is receiving the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, of Jesus Christ for the first time. Here is the definitive CatholicVote guide to gifts that are both memorable and fun for the young Catholic child. READ |
CATHOLIC 101 The crucifix is a very important sacramental to Catholics which can be found in all Catholic Churches and most Catholic homes. It is a reminder of Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection which is central to our Faith. Why is it that not all Christians see this as a symbol of their faith and choose to use a simple cross? READ |
SAINT OF THE DAY St. Zita of Lucca is the patroness of maids, domestic workers, and finding lost keys. The pious 13th-century laywoman served the Fatinelli family from age 12 to her death at age 60. Although she was mistreated at first, Zita remained humble and kind, not only serving the Fatinellis, but also tending to the poor and keeping Christ at the center of her life. READ |
SATURDAY'S PSALM “All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.” (Psalm 98:3) READ |
SATURDAY'S READINGS Saturday's Mass readings. READ |
SUNDAY’S PSALM “I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people.” (Psalm 22:22) READ |
SUNDAY’S READINGS Sunday's Mass readings. READ |
ANSWER TO THE TRIVIA The answer is NOT July 4, 1776. That was the day when the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. After it was adopted, the Declaration was engrossed on parchment and the delegates began signing the Declaration on August 2, 1776. LEARN MORE |
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ARTWORK The Resurrection of Christ by Paolo Veronese, c.1570. SHARE |
The LOOP is a publication of CatholicVote Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) organization.
The LOOP is organized, funded, and published by faithful Catholic laity. We do not claim to speak for any individual bishop or the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
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