Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rochester Public Schools Systematically Spread Homosexual Agenda

 Rochester Public Schools Systematically Spread Homosexual Agenda

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For the love of our children, please help!

The public school system in Rochester, Minnesota, is one more place that is putting children’s innocence in danger, by imposing the LGBT agenda.

The Rochester Public Schools are training their staff how to push the LGBT agenda in their classrooms.

Demand that Rochester Public Schools Stop Pushing the Homosexual Agenda

In this training, the staff are taught: “how to handle phobic comments and behaviors in [their] classroom,” why people should use “they/them” pronouns, the origin of pride month, and more.

They are also encouraged to “gather resources for supporting LGBTQ+ persons,” “attend a pride parade, festival or event as a family,” and to “support with flags, stickers, posters of role model LGBTQ+ persons related to your interests or your content.”

These are the people who are supposed to be educating our children in reading, writing and arithmetic, not moral depravity!

In one diagram they have a “Social Justice Stretch” with cartoon depictions.

Along with these depictions, it gives five steps to follow:

“Reach down to get power from the GRASSROOTS”

“Reach up to the SKY to the ancestors for INSPIRATION”

“Shake off dominant Western culture expectations of individualism, productivity, and perfectionism”

“Move with the winds of CHANGE”

“Shine your SUPERPOWERS into the world”

Sign Now to Protect Children from the LGBT agenda

To make matters worse, teachers who don’t go along with all of this madness are threatened with “termination.”

According to Parents Defending Education, the staff of the Rochester Public Schools are forced to use the “preferred pronouns of students under threat of ‘termination.’” And there is also a “secret policy that appears to state staff can keep the gender identity of students hidden from parents.”

It is shameful that children are having to be subjected to this indoctrination. These policies trick innocent children into believing that living a homosexual lifestyle is perfectly normal.

Our Lord was very severe when speaking about scandalizing children.

Will you let this occur without voicing your opposition?

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