Saturday, July 27, 2024

BIPARTISAN: While Media Tries To Shield Kamala From Border Crisis… Congress Made Her Failure Official When Dems get GOP help to pass a partisan vote like thPis, it's called 'bipartisan' Wes Walker July 26, 2024


BIPARTISAN: While Media Tries To Shield Kamala From Border Crisis… Congress Made Her Failure Official

When Dems get GOP help to pass a partisan vote like thPis, it's called 'bipartisan'

By the Democrats’ own use of the word ‘bipartisan’… we now have a BIPARTISAN denunciation of Kamala’s border failures.

We didn’t make the rules. We just make the their side play by them, too.

The Dems realize that the border is a MASSIVE Public Relations problem for Kamala’s Comrade Chaos Campaign… and they have been working overtime to make all memory of the ‘Border Czar’ problem go away.

They have issued talking points for the Democrats to echo… and KJ has been dutifully performing her role as White House Spokes-Muppet. Whenever a reporter pulls the string on her back, she spits out the correct canned response.

There’s even a hard copy of the latest talking points.

Yours truly couldn’t be the only person who thinks this looks suspiciously similar to the cards Joe Biden has been desperately clinging to any time he addresses the media, could I?

The shameless media flunkies dutifully fell in line, updating their propaganda to prop up their favorite candidate.

Meanwhile… Congress was entering a FORMAL rebuke of the role she PERSONALLY played on the border into the public record.

House Republicans are moving quickly to emphasize Vice President Kamala Harris’s role in the Biden administration’s handling of the U.S. border with Mexico, passing a resolution Thursday that condemns her performance in the job.

The resolution, which is purely symbolic, echoes an attack line that Republican Donald Trump has taken against Harris since she rose to become the likely Democratic presidential nominee. All House Republicans and six Democrats in tough reelection races voted for the resolution. — AP

Symbolic or not, this a bipartisan rebuke of Kamala’s border failures during her time as Veep… six Democrats knew their personal political future would be in trouble if they didn’t admit the obvious failures.

Now, when clowns on the evening news/opinion shows try to pass off criticism of Kamala’s border failures as somehow a ‘Republican’ attack, or a ‘Racist’ criticism of her… we need to remind them that this is far more ‘bipartisan’ than some of the other acts of Congress that were dubbed ‘bipartisan’ when a couple of gutless turncoats act as Democrats while pretending to be ‘principled Republicans’. (The J6 Committee for example.)

Kamala is on record saying she does not believe that illegal entry into America is an actual crime, and she needs to own this issue… because it would define her time in office supposing she should ever be sworn in as the 47th President.

As for the extreme goal-post moving in claiming numbers are down… hold them to the facts that absolute numbers of people coming in are NOT down. At all.

We’ve only rewritten the language about how we talk about it.

It’s a cynical game to mislead the voting public about the reality of what’s happening in their own country… nothing more.

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