Friday, July 26, 2024

Preparing America for the Mark of the Beast by J.R. Church, from the July 2004 PITN Magazine



Preparing America for the Mark of the Beast

by J.R. Church, from the July 2004 PITN Magazine

It’s time somebody said, “That’s enough!”  If the leaders of our country will not stand up and say, “Stop it, you heathens!” then there is no hope for America or the world.

We used to wonder how the Antichrist could get away with forcing everyone in the world to receive a tattoo on their foreheads or on their right hands… or, perhaps, an implanted device of some kind. 

But it seems so obvious now. A generation has been raised with the notion that prayer and Bible reading are forbidden. Uncle Sam said it was! The laws of our land are no longer founded upon the Ten Commandments. Therefore, the politicians can become as corrupt as they want, and society can plunder the assets of what was once a great nation. 

As a minister, I am tempted to lay the blame at the feet of every pastor and every Christian in America, but I must say that we are not altogether to blame – not in the past and not now. Having tried to warn society for so many years, I am convinced that what ministers and Christians say no longer carries any moral weight. We are not the “salt” and “light” that we thought we were. 

The real blame must be laid at the doorstep of every politician from the bully-pulpit of the mayor’s office to the courts, governors, state legislatures, Congress, and finally, to the bully-pulpit of the American president. I point the finger of accusation and say, “It’s your fault!” 

Continue reading here.

Revealing Revelation (DVD)

by J.R. Church

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