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#78 My Life: My TemptationsDr. Stephen Phinney: In my younger years, I was consumed by an overwhelming desire to be famous. The allure of recognition, admiration, and success seemed like the ultimate goal.Listen to the podcast version: Brought to you by Sharon Lackey. THE POWER OF TEMPTATIONTemptation is a formidable force that has the power to sway even the strongest of wills - the stronger the will, the stronger Satan’s influence. It can present itself in myriad forms, often appealing to our deepest desires and vulnerabilities.While it may seem enticing in the moment, giving in to temptation can lead to a cascade of negative consequences that affect not only us but those around us. The allure of temptation lies in its ability to obscure the long-term impact of our choices, making it crucial for us to remain vigilant and grounded in our steadfastness in Yeshua. By recognizing the power of temptation and seeking strength from within—through Yeshua, discipline, and Body-Life support—we can overcome its grip and make choices that align with the choices Christ desires to make through us. Moreover, the New Testament further clarifies that believers' identity is rooted in Christ. Galatians 2:20 (ESV) declares, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Here, the apostle Paul underscores that our earthly flesh, though a significant part of our previous identity, is secondary to our new identity in Christ. Thus, while our flesh is a part of our sarx, flesh, the trash the old nature left behind, our true identity is found in our union with Yeshua, who transforms and defines our lives beyond the physical realm. All it takes is a small opening for the enemy of God to infiltrate our minds and flesh.When we let our guard down, even for a moment, we become susceptible to deceptive thoughts and actions that can lead us away from our true purpose. This vulnerability emphasizes the importance of remaining vigilant and steadfast in our faith, continually seeking God's indwelling LIFE and strength to resist these subtle attacks. By guarding our hearts and minds with the truth of His Word and relying on the Holy Spirit, we can protect ourselves from the enemy's influence and stay aligned with God's will. ALLOW ME TO BE TRANSPARENTIn my younger years, I was consumed by an overwhelming desire to be famous - mainly because I believed I was a nobody. The allure of recognition, admiration, and success seemed like the ultimate goal. I imagined my name in lights, my face on magazine covers, and my talents celebrated by countless Christian admirers. The temptation to achieve fame was intoxicating, still is, and it quickly became the driving force behind my every action. I devoted countless hours to honing my skills, convinced that they would catapult me to Christianized stardom. I attended personality classes, studied self-marketing venues, and sought out any opportunity to showcase my talents. With every setback and rejection, my determination only grew stronger. I was relentless, believing that fame was the key to not only happiness and fulfillment, but also to advance the Gospel. As I pursued this twisted ideology, I began to lose sight of the things that truly mattered. Just ask my wife. During my political stint, I neglected relationships, ignored my own well-being, and compromised my family values in the relentless pursuit of recognition. The desire for fame became an insidious force, eroding my sense of who I was in Christ and leaving me feeling empty and unfulfilled. One pivotal moment came when I was offered a chance to participate in a high-profile project by the President of the United States. The opportunity was tantalizing, but it required me to compromise my Biblical integrity and go against my beliefs. The temptation to accept was strong, as it promised the fame and recognition I had long sought. However, deep down, I knew that this path would lead me further away from who I truly was in Yeshua. It was then that I realized the futility of chasing fame for the sake of fame itself. I began to understand that true fulfillment comes from living a life aligned with who Christ is, embracing my authentic identity in Yeshua, and finding joy in the journey rather than the destination. The realization brought a sense of peace and clarity that I had not experienced before. So, I resigned my position with the President’s council.Gradually, I shifted my focus away from the pursuit of fame and towards meaningful connections, personal growth, and genuine contributions to the mission I was called - advancing the indwelling life of Yeshua. I learned to appreciate the small moments once again of joy and the impact I could make in the lives of others, no matter how modest. The temptation to be famous still lingers and tugs at my shirt sleeve, but it no longer holds the same power over me. In the end, I discovered that true fulfillment comes not from external recognition, but from living a life of purpose, authenticity, and love. The struggle and temptation to be famous taught me valuable lessons about who I am and what truly matters. It was a journey that ultimately led me to a deeper understanding of myself and a more meaningful and contented life. Today, if you looked at my whiteboard in my office, you would see these words: Stephen, just do what I ask you to do! - YeshuaThe echoes of childhood trauma, particularly the painful experiences of being silenced and made to feel like a nobody, can deeply impact one's adult life. However, in the light of Yeshua's power, these wounds can be healed and repurposed for a greater calling. The journey from feeling insignificant to embracing one's identity as a beloved child of God is a powerful testimony. This process involves recognizing one's worth in Yeshua as His Bride and understanding that His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. What was once a source of pain has become a foundation for a purposeful life, dedicated to sharing the identity message of Yeshua with others. Through His indwelling presence, the scars of the past can be a testimony to the redemptive power of God's grace, enabling individuals, like me, to rise above their circumstances and become vessels of telling His story to the world. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. (Galatians 6:3)This verse became my salvation in understanding the profound dangers of seeking to be "something" in the eyes of the world. It revealed the futility of self-importance and the emptiness of striving for recognition based on pride. Instead, it brought me to a place of humility, reminding me that true value and purpose are found in Yeshua. Through this realization, I embraced the call to live authentically in His presence, focusing on His glory rather than my own. This newfound understanding liberated me from the relentless pursuit of worldly validation, grounding me in the identity and worth bestowed by Yeshua alone. If we continue down this path, we risk fracturing the unity and harmony that the church is meant to embody, ultimately leading to a broken and ineffective witness to the world, let alone to each other. We must return to the simplicity and purity of following Yeshua's life and teachings, allowing His love to guide our actions and unify us as His body. Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |