Sunday, March 16, 2025

8 Signs of Rapture in the Bible From wars and famines to moral decay and chaos, these controversial verses provide insight into what’s to come and how believers can prepare spiritually. By Esther Lombardi


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Wars, pandemics, natural disasters, and global unrest have many people asking a sobering question: Are we nearing the end of time? If you’ve wondered the same, you’re not alone. According to a recent Pew Research survey, 40 percent of Americans believe we’re living in the end times. This widespread belief might also explain the growing fascination with apocalyptic themes like zombies, global catastrophes, and end-of-the-world scenarios in popular media.

But what does the Bible actually say about the end times and the rapture? In this article, we’ll explore eight biblical signs that point to the rapture, examining how ancient prophecies appear to align with the current state of the world. From wars and famines to moral decay and chaos, these controversial verses provide insight into what’s to come and how believers can prepare spiritually.

Global Explosion

With pandemic conditions and global digitization, virtual church attendance has increased 300 percent. Matthew 24:14 states that every people (possibly every culture with its own language) worldwide will hear the gospel before Christ calls His followers home. More than ever before, the gospel has been shared in virtually every corner of the world. Ministries are now using AI and VR, combined with social media, online portals, and mobile apps, to drive that continued growth. The meaning of "unto all nations" is still debated, so Matthew 24:14 and similar verses are controversial.

Increase in Natural Disasters

Luke 21:11 talks about the earthquakes, famine, and pestilence in the End Times. Jesus foretold that crises like these would escalate, leading to higher mortality rates and threatening food security. Issues such as environmental degradation, fragile food supply chains, antibiotic-resistant “superbugs,” and outbreaks of viruses like Ebola and COVID-19 could represent the “birth pains” mentioned in the Bible.

As we observe current events, we may wonder: are natural disasters and health crises becoming unusually severe? Not just the periodic challenges seen every few decades or centuries, but a surge of crises occurring for reasons that often defy full understanding?

Wars and Rumors of Wars

There have always been wars and violent conflicts around the world, but the upsurge in violence is real. Matthew 24:6-7 refers to the “wars and rumors of wars.” Beyond the Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine conflicts, there was a record number of 59 conflicts in 2023.

As historian Jennifer Rosenberg reflected, “The 20th century was dominated by war and conflict that continually shifted the balance of power around the globe” from global wars to civil wars and coups. When we pair this information with the disturbing statistics about wars so far in the twenty-first century, we may ask, “What’s the trend? Could the increase in warfare and devastation signal the imminent return of Jesus?

Increase in Knowledge and Travel

You can quickly access global information, technology, and connectivity. The global travel market has surged by 98 percent. This travel, connectivity, and digital information era has reshaped society and broadened our realms of knowledge and influence.

Daniel 12:4 mentions an “increase in knowledge” as “many shall run to and fro.” Online learning has grown by 900 percent, with expectations that the overall worth of the industry will be $687 billion by 2030.

Moral Decay and Lawlessness

Global conflicts have nearly doubled over the last five years. Almost 20 percent of the world’s population live in or are directly affected by violence in their daily life. It’s a world of social and moral decay.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 mentions how evil and wrong people will be in the last days: “without natural affection” but also “traitors, heady, high-minded.” Incidents of social unrest have increased in 83 countries around the world.

False Christs

Matthew 24:4-5 says, “Jesus warned His disciples, ‘Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.

You may recognize names like David Koresh, Jim Jones, and Charles Manson—each of whom falsely claimed to be Christ. While these figures are infamous, they are far from the only ones to make such claims. During the Crusades, individuals asserting equality with Jesus became more common. One example is David Alroy, a Jewish leader from Kurdistan who, around 1121 AD, gathered a significant following. He promised to establish a kingdom in Jerusalem and led his followers in an unsuccessful coup against Sujak Sultan Mukta. Historical accounts suggest Alroy was executed after the failed rebellion.

Throughout church history, many individuals have claimed to be Christ, making it challenging to determine which ones to watch for. However, Scripture reminds us to be cautious of anyone making such claims, as Jesus has already come and will return only at the time of the final resurrection.

Israel's Restoration

The Israelites' gathering into "one land" fulfills several Old Testament prophecies. This shows God's faithfulness. Ezekiel 37:21-22 mentions that the “children of Israel” will be gathered into “their own land.

After the 1917 Balfour Declaration supported a Jewish national home, Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948. Millions of Jews have returned to Israel since 1948. Israel's restoration is still debated, so these are controversial verses in the Bible.

Global Economic Instability

Political and economic unrest and upheaval are signs of the end times in many biblical references to the rapture. Revelation 13:16-17 mentions the “mark of the beast” or “666” amidst economic instability. As the End Times approach, people will be marked with 666 as a form of protection and affiliation.

The 666 number is the sign of man, representing wickedness and evil as well as everything that opposes God in an apocalyptic vision of the End Times. It’s a rejection of God. The Book of Revelations indicates that everyone will be forced to accept the mark on their forehead or hand.

Some critics and commentators believe that the post-pandemic stimulus packages, political shifts, and global instability are all signs that indicate that the end times and rapture are near. Knowingly or unknowingly, you may be forced to take the sign of the beast.

Amid all the prophetic scriptures, one thing is still clear. Matthew 24:36 says that “no one knows” the day or hour of Christ’s return. No matter how you interpret these signs, the message is clear about what's coming. Biblical teachings urge you to be prepared and ready for the end times and the rapture. Whether the Lord returns tomorrow or in the next century, we must remain on mission as we share the love of Christ with those in need of the Savior. Jesus is our true and beautiful hope.

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