Beware of Christianity Today MagazineIt’s a minefield littered with false teachers, wokeism, and rank compromise…
“(Those) having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Avoid such people.” (2 Timothy 3:5) Christianity Today was founded in 1956 by the late Billy Graham to “express evangelical Christianity to the present generation.” Now, 68 years later, it has become an evangelical garbage dump. Through its newsletters, magazines, and online presence, it infects 40 million people across the world with its brand of squishy, milquetoast faux “Christianity”. It preys on the undiscerning who don’t know any better… Former Trump attorney and evangelical radio host, Jenna Ellis says this, “Bible-believing Christians have long thought that Christianity Today is going woke.” Like any other organizational failure, its demise started slowly and accelerated suddenly. A fish rots from the head down… Editor-in-Chief Russell Moore Two years ago, Russell Moore was appointed as Christianity Today’s Editor-in-Chief. Moore had previously served as president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), the public-policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). During Moore’s tenure there, the ERLC was known for its wishy-washy stance on abortion, stopping short of calling it what it really is and has portrayed conservative males as racist bigots. Moore attends Ray Ortlund’s church… the pastor who recently tweeted “Never Trump. This time Harris. Always Jesus”. Moore uses every opportunity he can to bash what Trump is trying to accomplish for the American people, essentially casting his supporters as ignorant fools and mindless consumers. After the 2024 election, Moore bemoaned the return of Trump as president... implying that conservative voters would have been better off with Kamala Harris’s “more refined” leadership. In other words, Moore seems to imply Democrat policies of abortion on demand, open borders, DEI, fraudulent spending, homosexuality, election cheating, and transgenderism are all good things. It’s an insult to anyone who voted out of a desire to protect life, liberty, and the American way. Russell Moore has even compared Trump voters to porn addicts seeking physical gratification… This from The Dissenter, “According to Moore, Trump supporters aren’t thoughtful citizens making reasoned choices… they’re junkies chasing empty highs. Never mind that many of these voters are Christians making what they believe to be morally responsible decisions. In Moore’s eyes, they’re little better than mindless consumers of filth. The analogy isn’t just offensive… it’s revealing. It shows us exactly how Moore sees the people he claims to minister to. In his latest missive, titled How to Get Through the Next Four Years, Moore predictably frames the election outcome as a national tragedy, thinly veiling his contempt for the millions of Americans who dared to vote against the progressive machine.” It gets worse… In March of this year, Moore published an article in his newsletter, expressing his hypocritical take on the United States ending it’s aid to Ukraine. Rather that opt for a peaceful solution, Moore evidently wants the war to continue, so that the oppressed Ukraine will defeat the evil oppressor Russian empire. But at what cost? Thousands more dead and wounded? An expansion of the war that could lead to a larger global conflict? This from the same Russell Moore who holds that mothers and their who murder their unborn through abortion should suffer no legal consequences. Moore apparently has the audacity to print this in a so-called “Christian” publication… Perhaps if he is such a war monger, he should lead by example and put on a Ukrainian uniform and fight alongside those who may very well die right next to him. The Big Tent Initiative In August of 2024 Christianity Today hired woke author and artist Amisho “Sho” Baraka to serve as the editorial director of its Big Tent Initiative. The “Big Tent Initiative” (read DEI) is nothing more than a “culturally relevant” distraction that will likely replace the true Gospel of Jesus Christ with a watered down version to attract more subscribers. After all, one has to keep the money flowing… Baraka, a man who regularly drops the n-word and maintains that Christians should smoke weed, is now highly influential in the direction of the magazine. He claims he been called a Marxist and a “woke preacher” for his views on racism and social justice. Sadly, like Moore, he will likely be steering it in a more liberal-progressive direction. As if that is not enough, Christianity Today’s president Timothy Dalrymple, is looking forward to Baraka “going beyond what we’ve typically done”… Whatever that means… In the last year, Christianity Today has offered no apparent opposition to transgender drugs or surgeries for minors, drag queen shows for children, nor men participating women’s sports. One thing is sure… don’t expect that to change anytime in the future. Political Leanings Christianity Today’s donations flow, with very rare exception, in only one direction. A quick look at public campaign records shows that when it comes to political donations, Christianity Today’s heart is most certainly with the dark party of abortion and the LGBTQ agenda. In her book, Shepherds for Sale, Megan Basham points out that between 2015 and 2022, Christianity Today’s top executives and board members made seventy-four political donations… “Every single one of them, except one, went to Democrats. Even worse, is Christianity Today president and CEO Timothy Dalrymple who in 2020 donated $300 to failed Georgia Senate candidate Sarah Riggs Amico, who ran on a platform of protecting abortion “without exception" and of repealing the Hyde Amendment, which prevents federal tax dollars from funding abortions. Amico also declared herself a “staunch LGBTQ ally," promising to support the Equality Act. This radical bill would, as the Heritage Foundation has detailed, threaten parental rights over children who claim to be transgender, decimate conscience rights for medical workers, and cancel religious freedom.”1 Clearly, this type of behavior is horribly out of step with the audience the magazine pretends to serve. It is also considered a serious violation of standard journalistic ethics. Promoting False Teachers Under Moore’s tenure as Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today, the magazine regularly platforms questionable teachers like Rob Bell, Christine Caine, Beth Moore, J.D. Greear, David Platt, and Francis Chan. Enough said… The After Party “Bible Study” The After Party is a Bible study that was heavily promoted by Christianity Today2 during the 2024 election cycle to college students and churches. Much of this patently political, so-called Bible study… that Curtis Chang, Russell Moore, and New York Times writer David French created… was funded by overtly left-wing foundations. The After Party received several hundred thousand dollars from leftist Bill Kristol’s Defending Democracy a political organization that was named as a 2020 source of dark money political funding by Open Secrets, a campaign watchdog group. According to their own website, “The After Party is a collection of resources designed by the non-profit Redeeming Babel to help you move towards better Christian politics. Our video course, book, and worship music were designed for pastors and people who know there’s a better way to do politics.” The marketing is apparently designed to attract those who would like to simply encourage better communication, but the reality is that it is thinly disguised attempt to convince Christians that they shouldn’t be so conservative. The video course, book, and worship music were supposedly designed for pastors and people who know there's a better way to "do politics." Even a cursory review of The After Party reveals that it is overtly anti-Trump… which means it was pro-Harris and the Democrats nonsense. It goes so far as to imply that Trump was somehow responsible for the protests of January 6, 2021. This is of course no surprise, since all three authors are vehement anti-Trumpers. Even the book’s cover screams politics… This non-biblical “Bible study” was sponsored by the left to infiltrate the church and persuade participants to move away from traditional Christian values… by insinuating they should never vote for Republican candidates.
God used sinners like King David, Moses, and Paul to carry out His will here on earth. He even uses sinners like us to serve every week in His church. Despite his human flaws, Donald Trump has led this country back from the precipice of hell. Given what the Trump administration has revealed about the rank evil that went on during Biden’s term, it seems that the authors have only sought to keep this type of behavior in place. Clearly, politics have no place in legitimate Bible studies and leftist ideologies have no business in the Church. Once a respected publication, Christianity Today no longer represents a true Christian worldview. Instead, the magazine now seeks to develop a generation of timid, unassertive, milquetoast Christians who are fearful of confrontation and easily manipulated into embracing Marxist ideologies. Russell Moore and Sho Baraka will likely do nothing less than flush any remaining semblance of the magazine’s “Christian values” down the toilet…
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