Thursday, March 20, 2025

Biden’s Daughter Faces IRS Complaint by Anastasia Boushee March 19, 2025


Biden’s Daughter Faces IRS Complaint

Ashley Biden’s nonprofit has been hit with an official IRS complaint after a watchdog group discovered that it failed to publicly disclose a $250,000 donation from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The National Legal and Policy Center, a conservative watchdog group, contacted the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) after it discovered that the “Women’s Wellness Spa(ce)” did not reveal that it had received the $250,000 donation in 2023, when her father, former President Joe Biden, was still in office. The money was donated from Harry and Markle’s nonprofit, Archewell.

The watchdog argued that Ashley Biden’s organization — which is a Philadelphia-based “trauma-informed wellness center” — was in “clear violation” of the IRS’ reporting rules. National Legal and Policy Center legal counsel Paul Kamenar has stated that Ashley Biden made an error while filing her 990 forms, as the donation was listed in Archewell’s 2023 tax filings but not in Biden’s nonprofit’s tax filings.

According to the donation listing, the funding was supposed to be for creating “a safe space focused on wellness for women who have experienced trauma. The “Women’s Wellness Spa(ce)” was opened in 2023, and offers services like guided meditation and therapy.

Kamenar is also questioning how Ashley Biden is able to claim a salary of just $12.75 per hour, noting that her workload was likely “exaggerated.”

According to The Daily Mail, “The 990 forms state that Ashley worked 40 hours a week but only earned $11,250 between July and the end of the year, the reporting period for the nonprofit. But that works out at $511 a week, or $12.75 per hour, around the same as a McDonald’s worker’s hourly wage in Philadelphia.”

The complaint highlights this inconsistency: “While Ms Biden’s pay is low for her educational and work experience (we) believe that her reported 40-hour work week may have been exaggerated since she was engaged in politically related and other activities, including foreign travel with her mother (Jill Biden).”

Kamenar has demanded Ashley Biden be deposed about the issue, calling on the IRS to determine “what civil and criminal penalties” are appropriate as punishment for her actions.

“Ms Biden failed to report the receipt of a grant of $250,000 made in 2023 by the Archewell Foundation, founded by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle,” the watchdog explained. “In addition, there are other reporting violations by Ms Biden.”

The National Legal and Policy Center’s complaint also noted that Ashley Biden only reported her nonprofit receiving $170,296 in total revenue for 2023, which means that Harry and Markle’s donation was more than the total of all other donations for the year, but was not reported.

According to her tax filings, Ashley’s nonprofit only had $115,138 in expenses for the 2023 tax year — which means that even without the $250,000 donation, the organization had $55,158 in assets.

“The large contribution raised eyebrows because of the political implications of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s attempts to ingratiate themselves with President Biden and his family,” Kamenar explained in his letter to the IRS.

When an individual or entity files with the IRS, the information submitted is under penalty of perjury, which means that they are attesting that the information is true and accurate. Thus, Ashley Biden committed perjury by omitting the donation from the tax filings.

“A full audit of Ashley Biden’s group is warranted to determine where the $250,000 cash grant was deposited and its disposition,” Kamenar’s letter stated.

Speaking with The Daily Mail, Kamenar stated that he has “no idea” why Ashley Biden’s nonprofit did not publicly record the donation — adding that there could be an “innocent” explanation such as an accounting error. However, he did argue that regardless of the reasoning, it was a “red flag” that should prompt further investigation.

The watchdog’s complaint came after the Heritage Foundation argued that Prince Harry and Markle should face an investigation for their donation, as it came while Ashley’s father was stll president.

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