Saturday, March 22, 2025

Does Satan Reign in Kansas? by John Horvat II March 20, 2025 Print Friendly, PDF & Email Does Satan Reign in Kansas? Does Satan Reign in Kansas? The news has spread nationwide that the Satanic Grotto is planning to hold a Black Mass at the Kansas State Capitol Building in Topeka on March 28.

 Does Satan Reign in Kansas?

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Does Satan Reign in Kansas?
Does Satan Reign in Kansas?

The news has spread nationwide that the Satanic Grotto is planning to hold a Black Mass at the Kansas State Capitol Building in Topeka on March 28. The group has been banned from the rotunda and the Capitol grounds. However, it now says it will defy authorities and enter the State Capitol Building to hold its horrific ritual.

Regardless of where the satanic ritual is held, the event should not be allowed to take place on public property.

A Public Blasphemy With Legal Permission From the State

The Satanic Grotto plans to desecrate a consecrated Host (and wine), smash a crucifix and perform other abominable acts during the Black Mass. This anti-Catholic Mass is the Satanists’ most radical expression of blasphemy and loathing.

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What makes this act so vile is that it is to be held in public. Because Black Masses are so repugnant and contrary to decency, they usually take place in secret dens of iniquity. This event’s promoters are doing everything possible to appear in the public square and occupy the seat of power with the legal permission of State authorities. The group does nothing to hide its malice or intention to offend.

Evident Evil Acts

These acts are evil and should not be allowed. This is a truth so evident that any innocent child knows it. No one should have to explain it.

It should also be evident to public authorities empowered to safeguard the common good. Causing outrage and indignant protest among citizens clearly does not further the common good.

In more normal times, no one would question a decision to stop a public Black Mass, especially since the State is facilitating it by granting permission to use public property. The State has the immediate power to stop it.

However, these are evil times. What was once considered evil and unacceptable today flaunts its license to blaspheme and offend.

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Getting to the Core

People list many reasons for opposing the Black Mass. Most of them do not address the core of the problem.

Some say the event is wrong because it offends people’s religious rights and sensibilities (it does). Others oppose it because it insults religion and its freedom (it does).

These reasons are valid, but they neglect to mention the object of the offense. A Black Mass is wrong because it gravely offends God, Who, as Creator, has the right to be adored, not abused, by individuals and nations.

A Black Mass is an act of rabid denial of this divine right. This is the most important reason for protesting the Black Mass and demanding it be stopped.

A Dethroned God

However, the Black Mass will not be banned for this reason. The problem is that the secular state, like the Satanists, does not recognize God’s right to be officially adored.

The State affirms the absurd proposition that God should enjoy no official recognition. All gods—whether true or false—must be treated equally. Satan must be accorded the same rights as the One True God.

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The State’s liberal foundations require that it act as if God has been dethroned and no longer intervenes in human affairs. In the name of freedom, the State bows before no god.

The God of Unbridled License

The satanist case in Topeka proves the falsity of this liberal position.

All officials claim a strict neutrality toward religion to which the State must not bow. However, these same figures bow before a First Amendment that they dogmatize and divinize as a god of unbridled license worthy of all veneration and to which every curtailment or limitation must be offered up in worshipful sacrifice.

Thus, Kansas officials protest that while they disagree with the Satanic Grotto, they must defend its freedom to blaspheme. In their skewed liberal perspective, all speech is equal. It makes no difference if one is good and the other evil. Blasphemy is as good as prayer.

Holding the Key to Decide

This “right,” they maintain, must be defended at all costs, even when it affirms untruth and deception. Such a position is deemed “democratic” even when the overwhelming majority of Kansans disagree and protest. When demanded, Satan must be given a public platform.

When there is no standard of right and wrong to judge speech, the key to determining what will be allowed is the lowest proposal that appears on the horizon. Evil will always look for new ways to push public standards to ever greater depths—even Satan worship.

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Thus, the debate continues and is reduced to officials arguing if the act violates the criminal code by using a stolen consecrated Host. Hopefully, the ban on the Mass will hold and prevent Satan from reigning symbolically in the seat of power in Kansas.

Public Protest Works

Public authorities need help from the public. Inside this flawed liberal model, the only way to dethrone the devil is by public protest and reparation. Such prayerful and peaceful protests often give State officials the courage to exercise their lawful power to maintain order and suppress those who cause disorder and chaos. Leftist politicians certainly know how to use this power when it comes to canceling those who oppose their agendas.

When state authority refuses to exercise its duty, public protests of reparation can at least lessen the offense of blasphemy and give God the public adoration and atonement He deserves.

Doing nothing is not an option. Allowing satanists to offend God unopposed at the State Capitol sends the message that Satan rules in Kansas. That is why this abominable sacrilege should be forbidden.

Photo Credit: © SSR Designs –

Updated March 22, 2025.

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