Thursday, March 20, 2025

MARK LEVIN: Chief Justice Called Out By NAME With SCATHING Rebuke On Live TV But will he, in fact, 'grow a pair'? Wes Walker March 20, 2025


MARK LEVIN: Chief Justice Called Out By NAME With SCATHING Rebuke On Live TV

But will he, in fact, 'grow a pair'?

Mark Levin is best known for two things — his sharp tongue and his legal mind, especially as it relates to Constitutional Law and the history around it.

When yet ANOTHER lower-court judge tried to interfere in powers that are clearly defined as being within the four corners of the Executive Branch, and beyond the power of a petty potentate judge to decide — going so far as demanding that a plane already in the air and on its way to El Salvadore turn around to satisfy his injunction, Mark Levin had something to say about it.

He ought to, since the relevant precedent requiring a judge to write an order before it becomes binding was successfully argued by Mark Levin’s Landmark Legal in a dispute with the federal government some two decades ago.

Levin and Chief Justice Roberts know each other, and both worked in the Republican administrations in the 80s. Levin does not mince words when it comes to the squishy decisions Roberts makes and how he believes many of those decisions are aimed at pleasing the people who write newspapers and history books so that he will be remembered fondly by them as one of the ‘good’ guys, more than one of the tough-but-fair who was more interested in interpreting disputes by what laws, contracts, and the Constitution itself would indicate as implications of the plain reading of their texts.

Since the barrage of court battles has been unleashed against Trump pursuing his mandate has been unleashed, Roberts has been uniquely positioned as official head of the judicial branch, to tell judges what they ought to do in order to ‘stay in their lane’.

He his NOT so specially qualified to speak to powers that fall under the elected branches of government, such as the checks and balances members of other branches are permitted to exercise within their official powers. Trump, for example, does not have the power to ‘impeach’ anyone. That’s a power reserved for Congress. But nothing prevents him from urging Congress to make use of their oversight powers, any more than he is prevented from lobbying for appointments to be taken, budgets to be passed, or treaties to be ratified.

Justice Roberts took umbrage at Trump’s call for the rogue and conflcited judge who ordered the plane to El Salvadore turned around (as Trump views him) to be reigned in with the legitimate powers Congress has for exactly such times as judges exceed their just powers. Instead of reigning in a judge, he scolded Trump.

This is where Mark Levin comes into the story, having been invited onto Martha McCallum’s show ever since the issue of low-level judges giving high-level restraining orders came onto the scene. This week, he was able to make the invite work, and he made it count:

After telling the justice to ‘grow a pair’, he blasted this great assault on the Separation of Powers that makes the Constitution something more than just a dead-letter document.

As he often says on his radio show, ‘There, I said it!’.

That he did.

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