Turning Just War Theory into Justified Surrender Theory

It is trendy to cite Church teaching when commenting on political affairs and foreign policy. The added authority of the Catholic Church gives force, certainty and credibility to political opinions.
Thus, these citations find their way into the Ukrainian war debate. As Russia’s war of unjust aggression against Ukraine rages on, officials and influencers are looking for ways to justify a “realistic” settlement under less-than-ideal terms.
Turning to Just War Theory
Some erroneously cite just war theory based on Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas Aquinas. The theory defines the conditions whereby Christian nations can engage in just wars.
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Five conditions are usually cited: just cause, declaration by lawful authority, good intention, exhaustion of all peaceful options, and reasonable chance of success.
In the case of Ukraine, just war theory is definitely on the side of the invaded nation. It especially justifies the use of force in self-defense against an aggressor. A country suffering invasion has a just cause to resist and fight back.
Ukraine’s Right to Wage Just War
Few dare disagree that Ukraine fulfills the conditions for resisting invasion. With Russian tanks rolling toward Kyiv guns blazing, Ukrainians had every right to shoot back.
However, some now contest the nation’s right to wage just war, saying it no longer meets the condition of having a reasonable chance of success. This catchphrase is repeated everywhere as officials try to find a way to bring everything to a quick close.
A Massive Enemy
The new just war theorists claim that Ukraine faces a massive enemy, few allies and has absolutely no chance to win the war forced upon it by the February 2022 Russian invasion. Thus, they claim that the just war theory requires Ukraine to surrender to save its people from continued suffering.
“It is immoral to unleash the violence of war when objectives cannot be achieved, however just those objectives may be,” writes R.R. Reno, for example, in First Things.
Another statement echoes Reno’s sentiments: “Russians have a massive numerical advantage in manpower and weapons in Ukraine, and that advantage will persist regardless of further Western aid packages,” tweets Vice President J.D. Vance on X.
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Ukraine is not unleashing the violence of war. Rather, it is on the receiving end of this violence. Moreover, its objective is to defend itself against an existential threat by an adversary that claims Ukraine has no right to sovereignty and, more importantly, stands ready to suppress its Catholic Church. Failure to prevail against the aggressor betokens the annihilation of the Faith in Ukraine and perhaps the nation.
Flawed Theory
The reasoning for submitting to Russia is flawed not only in its concrete application but also in theory.
Abstracting from the present war, a policy of yielding to the harsh reality of massive force creates a new and unacceptable theory. It sends a message that turns the Catholic just war theory into one of justified surrender.
Taken to its final consequences, any aggressive world power could demand terms of submission based on the assumed “impossibility” of resistance.
In such a world, overwhelming raw power rules. Might is right. War becomes a mathematical, not a moral calculation. Standing up to aggression is an exercise in futility, not justice. The world can be carved up into submissive spheres of influence.
The Vulnerability of Nations
Partisans of this new theory claim it corresponds to facts on the ground, which may not be pretty but reflect harsh realities.
The lessons of history prove the contrary.
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Smaller nations have always been vulnerable to the brute force of greater powers. Just as individuals cannot survive without society, nations, too, need other nations.
Thus, these smaller nations have always had recourse to other nations through treaties and agreements that counterbalance the threats of massive force.
When possible, more powerful nations have an obligation of solidarity to come to the aid of those who face injustice. This aid might take the form of humanitarian, diplomatic or military support. It need not always involve forces on the ground.
Citing Catholic teaching, Pope Pius XII stated, “By solidarity, all nations are obliged to participate in this defense and must not abandon the attacked nation. The assurance that this collective duty will not be neglected serves as a deterrent to the aggressor, and therefore, helps prevent war, or at least, in the worst scenario, to shorten the sufferings.”1
Overcoming Russia
Thus, a “reasonable chance of success” against Russia becomes possible. Indeed, smaller peoples have defeated Russia with the help of friendly nations.
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A ragtag Afghan resistance supported by American arms, for example, forced the retreat of the occupying Soviet Army. The Lithuanian people, counting only on Western moral support, succeeded in securing their independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.
The Will to Fight
The key to winning wars is not a massive numerical advantage. It consists of which side has the greater will to fight and defend its people. It often depends upon entreaties for God’s help.
Indeed, most of the famous battles of history are remembered because the victors dared to face the “impossibility” of resistance—Thermopylae, Covadonga, Lepanto, Vienna, Belgrade and countless others. Greater powers suffered massive reverses because they were confronted by a superior will to fight.
Real just war theory needs to ask that these considerations be weighed rather than assume a policy of justified surrender.
Ukraine Overcomes Impossible Odds
Returning to Ukraine, the last three years have demonstrated its will to fight against “impossible” odds. The nation has achieved outstanding results. It has inflicted, and continues to inflict, huge casualties upon the enemy.
Throughout it all, Catholic Ukrainians have called upon Our Lady of Zarvanytsia and Saint Michael the Archangel to help them. They know how the Church was suppressed the last time Russia controlled their nation and that the same is now happening to Catholic churches in the occupied parts of Ukraine.
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Unadulterated just war theory and the principle of solidarity are clear. They demand that the West continue supporting Ukraine in its brave resistance to Russia’s unjust war of conquest.
Photo Credit: © Olaf Speier – stock.adobe.com
- Pius XII, “Christmas Radio Message” (Dec. 24, 1948), https://www.vatican.va/content/pius-xii/it/speeches/1948/documents/hf_p-xii_spe_19481224_un-tempo.html. (Our translation.)