Monday, October 31, 2016

'Dam About to Break': Clinton Unfavorable Rating Hits All Time High, Voters: Hillary Investigation Worse Than Watergate,

'Dam About to Break': Clinton Unfavorable Rating Hits All Time High, Voters: Hillary Investigation Worse Than Watergate,

Trump up 4 points in LA/Times Daybreak Poll

With Wikileak's slow, toxic drip of information starting to penetrate the Clinton campaign facade, the coup de gracecame late last week, when FBI Director James Comey announced to Congress that he has reopened the bureau's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of private email while serving as Secretary of State. 
Look, now, at how not even the most heavily-rigged polls can stop the Democratic nominee's death spiral. Recall theABC poll from last week that showed Clinton with a 12 point lead against rival, Donald Trump. It was an absurd poll to begin with as it oversampled Democrats by a margin of 9 points. Well, that same poll, as of Monday, dipped to a 1 point lead for Clinton. Read that again -- from 11 points to ONE POINT.  
Given the ABC poll's Democratic oversampling, we can safely figure that in actuality Trump might be leading Clinton in that very poll, and well within the margin of error. 
In fact, according to Monday's LA Times/Daybreak poll sampling likely voters, Trump now leads by 4 percentage points. 
In addition to losing 11 points in the general election poll, a different ABC poll reveals that when it comes to popularity Hillary has reached her nadir with 60 percent of voters now viewing her unfavorably. 
Morning Consult poll following Comey's announcement also reveals that 45 percent of voters believe the Clinton email scandal is "worse than the Watergate scandal."

What's more, her support among Democrats has slipped 4 points, from 51 percent to 47 percent since last week. 

Democratic pollster Pat Caddel told a Fox News panel that he believes Donald Trump is now pulling ahead in much the same way Ronald Reagan pulled ahead of incumbent Jimmy Carter 1980. Caddel believes the "the dam is about to break" in favor of Trump. Democratic pollster and longtime Clinton adviser and ally Doug Schoen also renounced his support for Clinton following Comey's announcement. Schoen said he fears the constitutional crisis Clinton now poses. 
That's just now. It's likely the Clinton campaign will pull out all the stops in order to stanch the hemorrhaging. In addition to Democrats launching coordinated attacks on Jim Comey, they may also drop another "bomb" on Donald Trump in a last ditch effort to discredit the GOP nominee before election day. That said, Wikileaks still has thousands of emails to go.  
Buckle up folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride. 
(h/t: Gateway Pundit provides the video)

Biden Crushed by New Clinton E-Mail Source: ‘Oh, God! Anthony Weiner

Biden Crushed by New Clinton E-Mail Source: ‘Oh, God! Anthony Weiner’

When you can disgust Joe Biden with another hands-on kinda guy, you’ve done something.

Vice President Joe Biden was shaken to his core when he found out that Hillary Clinton’s latest trouble with the FBI involved Anthony Weiner, disgraced former congressman, and sexter of young teen girls.
When speaking to CNN’s Michael Smerconish as news was breaking of the release of James Comey’s letter, Biden seemed confident that not much would change.
"What worries me, Mr. Vice President is that folks are going to go to the polls or have already gone to the polls and they don't know what to make of this. They're in the dark. What should happen now?" Smerconish asked.
"Well, I think Hillary, if she said what I'm told she said, is correct. They should release the e-mails for the whole world to see,” Biden responded. “They can continue their investigation. To the best of my knowledge, it won't prejudice the investigation. But that's sort of the stilted language the agency always uses, and it doesn't mean anything. And so, it's unfortunate."
Smerconish then leveled a good one, reminding Biden that this would have played out much differently had she released all of her e-mails in the first place. That’s when the vice president indicated he couldn’t think of where in the world these e-mails would’ve come from. And when Smerconish told him the origination point, Biden’s world was crushed:
“Oh, God! Anthony Weiner. I should not comment on Anthony Weiner. I'm not a big fan. And I wasn't before he got in trouble, so I shouldn't comment on Anthony Weiner.”
Honesty like that doesn't come along often in Washington politics.
The Freedom Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Therefore we do not endorse political candidates either in primary or general elections. However, as defenders of America’s social contract, we insist that the rules laid down by both parties at the outset of campaigns be respected, and that the results be decided by free elections. We will oppose any attempt to rig the system and deny voters of either party their constitutional right to elect candidates of their choice.

Guess Whose Picture Showed Up in a Google Search for ‘Pathological Lying?’ Google goes for the truth this time.

Guess Whose Picture Showed Up in a Google Search for ‘Pathological Lying?’

Google goes for the truth this time.

On Sunday evening, a strange phenomenon was occurring on Google: the truth. Searches for “pathological lying” were yielding results that included a picture of Hillary Clinton.
Here’s a screenshot:
Of course, Google realized that something was very wrong and quickly corrected the problem. By Monday, the search giant was back to doing what it does best: hiding the truth about the Democratic candidate and her health issues.
According to The Washington Examiner, someone had edited a Wikipedia article so many times that Clinton would be the first result for a search of pathological liars. Now, that page has been locked out from edits until November 3. AsThe Daily Wire notes, that means “no new information (like new damning revelations about her private email server or the Clinton Foundation) will be allowed to appear on Wikipedia's Clinton page” until just days before the election.
There was another search result that was tampered with and subsequently fixed by Monday. When searching “45th us president,” a picture of Donald Trump appeared. That’s not like Google, who generally keeps Trump from appearing in search results at all, like when he was missing from the results of searches for presidential candidates earlier this year.
It’s too bad Google deleted the search result for Clinton. The truth sounded nice for a change.
The Freedom Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Therefore we do not endorse political candidates either in primary or general elections. However, as defenders of America’s social contract, we insist that the rules laid down by both parties at the outset of campaigns be respected, and that the results be decided by free elections. We will oppose any attempt to rig the system and deny voters of either party their constitutional right to elect candidates of their choice.

Tech Giant, Trump Supporter Peter Thiel Doubles Down at Natl Press Club, Slams Liberal Intolerance

Tech Giant, Trump Supporter Peter Thiel Doubles Down at Natl Press Club, Slams Liberal Intolerance

"If you don’t conform, then you don’t count as diverse, no matter what your personal background."

Tech billionaire Peter Thiel has endured the wrath of liberals for breaking with other Silicon Valley-zombies and pledging his moral and financial support to Donald Trump. For this "crime" Thiel, who is gay, was disparaged in a leading LGBT publication, The Advocate, as "not genuinely gay."
Speaking out at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, Monday, Thiel doubled-down on his support for Trump in spite of the angry mob assailing him. 
"What Donald Trump represents isn’t crazy, and it’s not going away," he boomed during his speech (featured in its entirety above). 
Thiel donated $1.25 million Trump's campaign and said that while he finds some of the GOP candidate's comments offensive at times, he has the leadership skills to help the country. 
"We’re voting for Trump because we judge the leadership of our country ...  This judgment has certainly been hard to accept for Silicon Valley, where many people have learned to keep quiet if they dissent from the coastal bubble," Thiel said. 
The PayPal co-founder voiced his disapproval of liberal intolerance, blasting the Advocate for its smear questioning, indeed trivializing his sexuality just because he supports Donald Trump. 
"The lie behind the buzzword of diversity could not be made more clear," Thiel blasted. "If you don’t conform, then you don’t count as diverse, no matter what your personal background."

CNN Distances Itself From Donna Brazile Over Leaked Questions

CNN Distances Itself From Donna Brazile Over Leaked Questions

"We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor."

Yet again, Wikileaks has exposed Democratic malfeasance so undeniable that even the Clinton News Network can't avoid acknowledging it.
CNN says it is "completely uncomfortable" with hacked emails showing that former contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile shared questions with the Clinton campaign before a debate and a town hall during the Democratic primary -- so uncomfortable that the network has accepted her resignation, according to Politico.
Those damning emails show that Brazile, who had repeatedly tried to divert blame by suggesting that the emails might have been altered or forged, shared with the Clinton campaign a question that would be posed to Hillary before the March CNN Democratic debate in Flint, and that she also shared with them a possible question prior to a CNN town hall in March.
CNN spokesperson Lauren Pratapas said in a statement that the network had accepted Brazile's resignation:
On October 14th, CNN accepted Donna Brazile’s resignation as a CNN contributor. (Her deal had previously been suspended in July when she became the interim head of the DNC.) CNN never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate. We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor.
Brazile tweeted thanks to CNN and wished her former colleagues "Godspeed."
Politico noted that a CNN employee suggested Brazile may have met the woman who was supposed to pose the question about lead poisoning during a service event the day before the debate.
As for the town hall question, emails obtained by POLITICO seem to point to Roland Martin, a co-moderator of the Town Hall, as its source.

Two years of fear: Christian widow survives Islamic State

Two years of fear: Christian widow survives Islamic State

Zarifa Badoos Daddo (C), 77, speaks during an interview with Reuters in Erbil, Iraq. Zarifa was reunited with her family on Sunday after Iraqi forces drove Islamic State from the town of Qaraqosh, southeast of Mosul. REUTERS/Azad Lashkari
By Stephen Kalin
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) – An elderly Christian widow who survived two years of Islamic State rule over her northern Iraqi town said the jihadists threatened to kill her, forced her to spit on a crucifix and made her stamp on an image of the Virgin Mary.
Zarifa Badoos Daddo, 77, was reunited with her family on Sunday after Iraqi forces drove Islamic State from Qaraqosh as they advanced on Mosul, the militants’ last major urban bastion in the country. The forces found her sheltering in a house they thought was abandoned or booby-trapped with explosives.
Most residents of Qaraqosh – Iraq’s largest Christian town – had fled toward the country’s autonomous Kurdish region more than two years ago as the jihadists approached, but Daddo stayed on with another elderly woman.
Her relatives had long feared she was dead.
Islamic State singled out religious minorities in northern Iraq, including Christians and Yazidis, for murder and eviction after declaring a caliphate in 2014 over territory they captured there and in neighboring Syria. Their seizure of Mosul and surrounding towns effectively drove Christians from the area for the first time in two millennia.
Daddo, who is hard of hearing, told Reuters on Sunday that the militants had not physically hurt her, but had intimidated and robbed her, made her desecrate her religion and tried to force her to convert to Islam.
“They told me to spit on the crucifix. I was crying inside but I couldn’t show it,” she said at a relative’s home in the Kurdish capital Erbil, an hour’s drive from Qaraqosh.
Then the jihadists demanded she stamp on an image of the Virgin Mary that she kept at home. “I said (to myself), ‘Oh Mariam, I will step on you but you know I don’t mean it’.”
Daddo, whose husband died in 2014, was reunited with her brother and other relatives in Erbil on Sunday. Her jubilant family slaughtered a lamb to celebrate what they consider the miracle of her survival.
The widow, with bushy gray eyebrows, decaying teeth, and a cross tattooed on the back of her wrist, sat with relatives who wept and applauded as she recounted her most harrowing encounters. She spoke in a mix of Arabic and Syriac, an ancient dialect of the Aramaic language which Jesus spoke.
Her niece said the family had lost touch with her about 18 months ago when Islamic State clamped down on telephones in areas under their control.
“We didn’t know anything about her. Anything could have happened.”
Most of Iraq’s Christian population is based in the north, around Mosul, which is one of the world’s oldest centers of Christianity, dating back to the first century AD.
A quarter of a century ago there were well over a million Christians in Iraq but their numbers dwindled during the 1990s as the country faced war and sanctions, and the exodus accelerated after waves of attacks on Christians in the sectarian violence following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.
Qaraqosh, about 20 km (13 miles) southeast of Mosul, was a Christian town of about 45,000 people before Islamic State swept across the region.
Daddo was sleeping in her garden when the jihadists entered the town in August 2014 and issued an ultimatum: pay a tax, convert to Islam, or die by the sword.
She said she too had wanted to leave the town, but eventually lost hope. “I cried because I wondered where I would go,” she said. “There was nobody left in Qaraqosh. We had no neighbors, nobody. They all left.”
Islamic State provided her with enough food to survive, she said, but they also made surprise visits to the house which left her terrified.
“We were two women living by ourselves. They would come at night, sometimes they would come at four in the morning, so we were scared,” said Daddo, wearing a black cloak that covered her hair and a purple sash across her chest.
“They would say, ‘Sister don’t be scared, we are your brothers. You are one of us now.'”
The militants took all the valuables from her house. When she assured them there was nothing left for them to take, they threatened her: “They came back another day and said, ‘If you don’t give us your money, we will empty this machine gun in your chest.'”
Islamic State repeatedly tried to convert Daddo to Islam. At first, she argued. “I tried to tell them, ‘What is the difference between a Muslim and a Christian? We all worship God’.”
“My heart would race when they tried to get me to convert. They would try to get me to (say the Muslim declaration of faith). I told them I didn’t know how to say it, and I said it in reverse.”
Eventually, though, Daddo yielded: “I would say what they wanted. My life is dear to me so I said what I had to.”
Islamic State was driven out of Qaraqosh nine days ago. On Sunday, in a charred church, the Syriac Catholic Archbishop of Mosul celebrated mass in the town for the first time since its recapture.
Back in Erbil, perched on a couch under an image of the Last Supper, Daddo said she was relieved to be back with family and friends. “What do you expect? Wouldn’t you be happy? Now the whole world is happy.”
(Editing by Dominic Evans and Pravin Char)

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