'Dam About to Break': Clinton Unfavorable Rating Hits All Time High, Voters: Hillary Investigation Worse Than Watergate,
Trump up 4 points in LA/Times Daybreak Poll
With Wikileak's slow, toxic drip of information starting to penetrate the Clinton campaign facade, the coup de gracecame late last week, when FBI Director James Comey announced to Congress that he has reopened the bureau's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of private email while serving as Secretary of State.
Look, now, at how not even the most heavily-rigged polls can stop the Democratic nominee's death spiral. Recall theABC poll from last week that showed Clinton with a 12 point lead against rival, Donald Trump. It was an absurd poll to begin with as it oversampled Democrats by a margin of 9 points. Well, that same poll, as of Monday, dipped to a 1 point lead for Clinton. Read that again -- from 11 points to ONE POINT.
Given the ABC poll's Democratic oversampling, we can safely figure that in actuality Trump might be leading Clinton in that very poll, and well within the margin of error.
In fact, according to Monday's LA Times/Daybreak poll sampling likely voters, Trump now leads by 4 percentage points.
In addition to losing 11 points in the general election poll, a different ABC poll reveals that when it comes to popularity Hillary has reached her nadir with 60 percent of voters now viewing her unfavorably.
Morning Consult poll following Comey's announcement also reveals that 45 percent of voters believe the Clinton email scandal is "worse than the Watergate scandal."
What's more, her support among Democrats has slipped 4 points, from 51 percent to 47 percent since last week.
Democratic pollster Pat Caddel told a Fox News panel that he believes Donald Trump is now pulling ahead in much the same way Ronald Reagan pulled ahead of incumbent Jimmy Carter 1980. Caddel believes the "the dam is about to break" in favor of Trump. Democratic pollster and longtime Clinton adviser and ally Doug Schoen also renounced his support for Clinton following Comey's announcement. Schoen said he fears the constitutional crisis Clinton now poses.
That's just now. It's likely the Clinton campaign will pull out all the stops in order to stanch the hemorrhaging. In addition to Democrats launching coordinated attacks on Jim Comey, they may also drop another "bomb" on Donald Trump in a last ditch effort to discredit the GOP nominee before election day. That said, Wikileaks still has thousands of emails to go.
Buckle up folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
(h/t: Gateway Pundit provides the video)