Guess Whose Picture Showed Up in a Google Search for ‘Pathological Lying?’
Google goes for the truth this time.
On Sunday evening, a strange phenomenon was occurring on Google: the truth. Searches for “pathological lying” were yielding results that included a picture of Hillary Clinton.
Here’s a screenshot:
Of course, Google realized that something was very wrong and quickly corrected the problem. By Monday, the search giant was back to doing what it does best: hiding the truth about the Democratic candidate and her health issues.
According to The Washington Examiner, someone had edited a Wikipedia article so many times that Clinton would be the first result for a search of pathological liars. Now, that page has been locked out from edits until November 3. AsThe Daily Wire notes, that means “no new information (like new damning revelations about her private email server or the Clinton Foundation) will be allowed to appear on Wikipedia's Clinton page” until just days before the election.
There was another search result that was tampered with and subsequently fixed by Monday. When searching “45th us president,” a picture of Donald Trump appeared. That’s not like Google, who generally keeps Trump from appearing in search results at all, like when he was missing from the results of searches for presidential candidates earlier this year.
It’s too bad Google deleted the search result for Clinton. The truth sounded nice for a change.
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