CNN Distances Itself From Donna Brazile Over Leaked Questions
"We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor."
Yet again, Wikileaks has exposed Democratic malfeasance so undeniable that even the Clinton News Network can't avoid acknowledging it.
CNN says it is "completely uncomfortable" with hacked emails showing that former contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile shared questions with the Clinton campaign before a debate and a town hall during the Democratic primary -- so uncomfortable that the network has accepted her resignation, according to Politico.
Those damning emails show that Brazile, who had repeatedly tried to divert blame by suggesting that the emails might have been altered or forged, shared with the Clinton campaign a question that would be posed to Hillary before the March CNN Democratic debate in Flint, and that she also shared with them a possible question prior to a CNN town hall in March.
CNN spokesperson Lauren Pratapas said in a statement that the network had accepted Brazile's resignation:
On October 14th, CNN accepted Donna Brazile’s resignation as a CNN contributor. (Her deal had previously been suspended in July when she became the interim head of the DNC.) CNN never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate. We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor.
Brazile tweeted thanks to CNN and wished her former colleagues "Godspeed."
Politico noted that a CNN employee suggested Brazile may have met the woman who was supposed to pose the question about lead poisoning during a service event the day before the debate.
As for the town hall question, emails obtained by POLITICO seem to point to Roland Martin, a co-moderator of the Town Hall, as its source.