Monday, October 31, 2016

Biden Crushed by New Clinton E-Mail Source: ‘Oh, God! Anthony Weiner

Biden Crushed by New Clinton E-Mail Source: ‘Oh, God! Anthony Weiner’

When you can disgust Joe Biden with another hands-on kinda guy, you’ve done something.

Vice President Joe Biden was shaken to his core when he found out that Hillary Clinton’s latest trouble with the FBI involved Anthony Weiner, disgraced former congressman, and sexter of young teen girls.
When speaking to CNN’s Michael Smerconish as news was breaking of the release of James Comey’s letter, Biden seemed confident that not much would change.
"What worries me, Mr. Vice President is that folks are going to go to the polls or have already gone to the polls and they don't know what to make of this. They're in the dark. What should happen now?" Smerconish asked.
"Well, I think Hillary, if she said what I'm told she said, is correct. They should release the e-mails for the whole world to see,” Biden responded. “They can continue their investigation. To the best of my knowledge, it won't prejudice the investigation. But that's sort of the stilted language the agency always uses, and it doesn't mean anything. And so, it's unfortunate."
Smerconish then leveled a good one, reminding Biden that this would have played out much differently had she released all of her e-mails in the first place. That’s when the vice president indicated he couldn’t think of where in the world these e-mails would’ve come from. And when Smerconish told him the origination point, Biden’s world was crushed:
“Oh, God! Anthony Weiner. I should not comment on Anthony Weiner. I'm not a big fan. And I wasn't before he got in trouble, so I shouldn't comment on Anthony Weiner.”
Honesty like that doesn't come along often in Washington politics.
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