As If By Design?
Written by Carl Coglianese
As if by Design, it had all led up to this.
Even after so many generations
It had come to the point of mankind’s total brokenness.
We have lost our self’s to our most basic of instincts
To our most primitive of toxic desires.
Some where, some how we just no longer gave a dam.
The common belief had become excepted after all,
I mean, let’s be real. God must be dead
After all how could it have all gotten so bad so bloody bad?
Plain truth was, it had always been bad.
Why had we not realized it as each decade, every decade had passed.
The new millennial was supposed to be Mankind’s shinning time of Salvation.
Instead it became the count down to our literal end.
We do not all worship the same God.
There is but one True God.
The God of Jacob, Isaac, The Father of Ya’shua (Jesus)
How many universal gods do we worship in the world right now.
Universal Church, what a scam, what a delusion, what a lie.
How was it we bought the lie?
So subtle was the deceit,
So great was the delusion, was it because we just wanted to believe in something, anything.
The take over was in full view , our eyes wide open.
Why did none of us see? question? Why did we not want to see?
Another church fire in the news today,
That makes six alone this month
It’s sad that they will not be rebuilt since the new city ordinances are in place.
Yet new temples to the new moon reach forth to the skies of our cities.
They tell us ,better to let the old burn ,
better to let there ashes be scattered.
Trouble is, there be a hazy gray shadow already across this land.
Fire and ash not only from burning churches,
Book burning too. Federal crime to own a Bible, caught reading one, can get you a death sentence and a visit to Old Man Guillotine.
Have you ever seen a man being killed by a guillotine?
Scares the hell out of this man, I will tell you no lies on that. No not a one.
That is why I figure they use that dam hell fire machine.
Yet they keep on going up there, saying there prayers.
The real show is when one of those people, you know who I mean.
Change their minds and deiced to join the club so to speak.
Screaming and crying and carrying on like some crazy ass fools or something.
They put on a real good show , yes they do.
Then they receive there prize, there forever, and ever prize
The bigger the show they put on determines the bigger the mark,
Either on there right hand or forehead.
I got secret for you, it burns like hell when they laser it on,
burns like hell, yes it does
See my name is Lazarus
What I have seen I know I must write it down.
To tell others someday in the future
To warn them of what happened, what went so terribly wrong.
However I am concerned that my words, warning if you will.
Will be discounted, laughed at, discredited and ignored.
However one thing will be written in stone indestructible
Unshaken, they are God The Father, Christ Jesus, The Son, The Holy Spirit
The Family Of God.