The Death of The American People & Dream
It should have not taken us by surprise
How in the hell could it
Russian submarines in the Gulf of Mexico
Well, it did happen however we were just to busy rioting and oh yes looting
Did you know that we are technically under a state of emergency
Marshall law can be declared at any time.
Has anyone ever considered that Isis could be behind all this internal struggle
American fighting Americans. Citizens divided civil war again?
Water rights, usurping the internet
Does anyone know were the internet even lives. I surly don’t, like too.
The internet as we know it will be dead by the end of 2014
Christian radio and internet illegal punishable by prison, if not life.
You tube will be so regulated
The one world order will rule as in George Orwell’s 1984
The camera in your computer, did you know can spy on you and that little light will not go on?
Be afraid of what is already here
Be afraid of what is yet to come. For it will be worst than Hitler’s Germany
For Hitler destroyed millions of bodies, The Beast will destroy Billons open Billons of Souls. Once your Soul is destroyed it can not be saved.
If you do not give your Heart and Soul to Christ Jesus. Except His free gift of Salvation of His death upon the Cross for our sins. To understand what sin really is. That He died for every sin that we did, and will ever commit, every human did from the beginning to the end of time. He took upon Himself that burden for you. Will you except his gift. Or will you except the mark of the beast? You must choose your future yourself. All I can do is show you the truth. God Bless you in the Name and Love of Christ Jesus,
Love Carl