Monday, December 29, 2014

More Posters Yet to Read, Ponder, Share, Talk About, Carl

20 hrs · Edited ·
Larissa Jewish Cemetery Desecrated in Greece
Larissa's Jewish cemetery was vandalized Tuesday with swastikas and other anti-Semitic slurs by racist g...roup 'Larrisa Skins.'
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  • Carl Coglianese
    I refuse to believe that in the year 2014 that we still have not learned to not be haters of Man as well as hatters of peoples cultures and Religion's. What have we not learned at the death, murder, genocide of 13,million people? Yet it begins once again. This time it will go unchecked in a world that does not care and has lost all hope. Who will be next/ Will it be you? I have this feeling it just might Be.               Carl
More Posters Yet to Read, Ponder, Share, Talk About, Carl
this must not be allowed to continue. it must be found who did it, casue it is a crime of hate and thuse those haters should be punished for a hate crime. it needs to be stopped. Or have we forgotten that this is still, still, still, Amercia. Or has this been taken away from us also. It cannot be alowed to contine. for if it does. it might be you who is next. Will there be any one left to help you?................................................
The message "Move Jew," was spray-painted on the garage of the Rakers, a Jewish family in Lower Makefield, PA.
More Posters Yet to Read, Ponder, Share, Talk About, Carl
Amen. oh can we still say that word, I hope to God we still can?
The only change needed...
God bless you and nighty nite

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