Is He Sufficient?
You know, every believer I know (or have ever met) desire above all to have a prayer life,
but more importantly, they also hope their prayers will please their Lord and bring Him joy. Well, before that can happen we need to settle once and all if our God will provide everything we need? I mean, if we are going to go to Him with our prayers, we must believe that He going to be able to resolve all of our questions and concerns? Or do we have to go looking somewhere else for the answers?”
Now you might think that is too basic and something we should never have to ask. I bet most believers would immediately tell you that they, of course, believe that their God can meet all of their needs. But if that is true, why are so many believers still struggling? Why are children of the Most High God still living “under” their circumstances? Are the fully convinced He is able!
Oh, we may say we believe it. We sing sweet hymns and preach wonderful sermons about it — and I write all of these encouraging and stimulating messages. But when a crisis hits our lives, and our God does not seem to answer, often, our first reaction is to gripe and complain. Evidently, we do not believe He has what we need!
Paul wrote to the Christians in Philippi, “My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Yeshua” (Philippians 4:19). Our Lord has a storehouse of abundance to meet every need we could have!
Get your Bible and turn over the eighteenth chapter of Luke and read the first eight verses. Now why did that woman keep bothering the unjust judge, continually asking him for justice? Was she just trying to be bothersome? Did she think he didn’t care? No, it was because she knew that he was the only one who had the power and authority to solve her problem.
She had nowhere else to go.
Oh, if only we could have the mind of Christ; if we could possess the inner knowledge that only Yahweh has, we would never turn in vain to any other source. The Lord is a just and holy judge, and He has all the wisdom, all the power and all of the authority to solve any problem we face.
It took forty years to convince the people of Israel that they would never lack anything — that He would be their constant source and supply! Deuteronomy 2:7 declares, “Yahweh your Elohim has blessed you in everything you have done. He has watched over you as you traveled through this vast desert. For 40 years now Yahweh your Elohim has been with you, and you haven’t needed a thing.”
YHWH was telling those folks, “There is nothing that I lack and no shortages when you call to me. I have everything you will ever need!”
Further in Deuteronomy he adds,
“Yahweh your Elohim is bringing you into a good land . . . you will have everything you need . . . When you have eaten all you want, thank Yahweh your Elohim for the good land he has given you. . .” (Deuteronomy 8:7-10, 12).
This morning I want to encourage you by assuring you that the Lord has brought us into our Promised Land — He is the Christ! For each of us, Jesus is an abiding place where there is never any lack. He represents the fullness of the godhead bodily.
Now you might think that is too basic and something we should never have to ask. I bet most believers would immediately tell you that they, of course, believe that their God can meet all of their needs. But if that is true, why are so many believers still struggling? Why are children of the Most High God still living “under” their circumstances? Are the fully convinced He is able!
Oh, we may say we believe it. We sing sweet hymns and preach wonderful sermons about it — and I write all of these encouraging and stimulating messages. But when a crisis hits our lives, and our God does not seem to answer, often, our first reaction is to gripe and complain. Evidently, we do not believe He has what we need!
Paul wrote to the Christians in Philippi, “My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Yeshua” (Philippians 4:19). Our Lord has a storehouse of abundance to meet every need we could have!
Get your Bible and turn over the eighteenth chapter of Luke and read the first eight verses. Now why did that woman keep bothering the unjust judge, continually asking him for justice? Was she just trying to be bothersome? Did she think he didn’t care? No, it was because she knew that he was the only one who had the power and authority to solve her problem.
Oh, if only we could have the mind of Christ; if we could possess the inner knowledge that only Yahweh has, we would never turn in vain to any other source. The Lord is a just and holy judge, and He has all the wisdom, all the power and all of the authority to solve any problem we face.
It took forty years to convince the people of Israel that they would never lack anything — that He would be their constant source and supply! Deuteronomy 2:7 declares, “Yahweh your Elohim has blessed you in everything you have done. He has watched over you as you traveled through this vast desert. For 40 years now Yahweh your Elohim has been with you, and you haven’t needed a thing.”
YHWH was telling those folks, “There is nothing that I lack and no shortages when you call to me. I have everything you will ever need!”
Further in Deuteronomy he adds,
This morning I want to encourage you by assuring you that the Lord has brought us into our Promised Land — He is the Christ! For each of us, Jesus is an abiding place where there is never any lack. He represents the fullness of the godhead bodily.
(I send out messages like this each morning in emails, and if you are interested in receiving them, send me your email address and I will add you to the list. However, you can also find these messages at: Thought For The Day)
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