Saturday, April 30, 2016

BREXIT: Brits Wanting To Leave the EU Spikes After Obama Tried To Convince Them To Stay In It Matt Vespa

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Indiana Governor Mike Pence Endorses Ted Cruz
Stephen Self
After holding back an endorsement, Indiana Governor Mike Pence has broken his silence and has endorsed Senator Ted Cruz.
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Poll: Nearly a Quarter of Voters Wouldn’t Participate in a Trump-Clinton Matchup
Leah Barkoukis
BREXIT: Brits Wanting To Leave the EU Spikes After Obama Tried To Convince Them To Stay In It
Matt Vespa
Will Ferrell Pulls Out of Movie That Mocked Reagan's Dementia
Christine Rousselle
D’oh! Bernie Sanders’ Climate Change Agenda Would Actually Increase Carbon Emissions ‘Dramatically’
Matt Vespa
California Lawmakers Reject John Wayne Day, Disturbed By His Views On Race
Justin Holcomb
America Now Has a "National Mammal"
Christine Rousselle
Missouri Looks to Join Constitutional Carry Club
Matt Vespa
A new member?
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The Obamas And The British Royal Family Are Having a Delightful Trash-Talking Session On Twitter
Christine Rousselle
"Bring it." -Prince Harry
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‘Bomb’ Suspect Who Threatened Fox45 Baltimore Building Suffered ‘Mental Breakdown,’ Says Father
Matt Vespa
Bizarre incident.
[Keep Reading]
Friday Fun: Farmer Sprays Manure at Hollywood Star for Fracking Protest on His Land
Leah Barkoukis
Crappy day for them.
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Fight Club: Cruz Supporter Tears Into Pro-Trump Commentator, ‘Do You Have Any Integrity At All?’
Matt Vespa
Sparks fly on camera.
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Another Hate Crime Hoax On Campus
Christine Rousselle
At Salisbury University.
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GOP Hits Lowest Approval Rating Since 1992
Matt Vespa
For Republicans, especially anti-Trump Republicans, this year has been sort of a catastrophe.
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Lewandowski: Trump's Gonna Put Massachusetts in Play, You Guys
Guy Benson
No, he won't. But we'll humor you anyway. Go ahead, Corey.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Donald Trump Isn't the 'Presumptive Nominee' -- Not Yet, Anyway
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
Transgender 'Fact' and Fantasy
Brent Bozell
Brent Bozell
Ed Schultz Chooses Limelight Over Principles
Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg
Mike Adams
Mike Adams
Cruising to Indiana
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh
Reaganism Is Dead
Mona Charen
Mona Charen
No Phony Truces in the Battle to Block Most Liberal Court in a Generation
Ken Blackwell
Ken Blackwell
At Last, America First!
Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Jury Convicts Reserve Deputy Who Shot Suspect With Gun Instead Of Taser | Bob Owens
NRA Gun Gurus: Roy Rogers’ Colt Single Action Army Revolver | Jenn Jacques
Russians Focus On Next-Generation Assault Rifle | Bob Owens
Huffington Post Now Apparently Hiring Stoners To Write About Gun Policy | Bob Owens
UNICORN GUNS: H&K MP7 A1 | Bob Owens
Political News
Judge to lift female guard ban in 9/11 case at Guantanamo | AP News
Governor facing impeachment push: I've done nothing illegal | AP News
The Latest: Trump bumps up his delegate count | AP News
British support for EU membership split 50-50: ORB poll | Reuters News
The Latest: Son of Victim: I don't understand why he did it | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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