Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sons Of Light have Return;Nibiru and 2 Witnesess... MUST SEE!!

Published on Apr 12, 2016

Are the government preparations that Americans across the country are now witnessing for a huge event due to the coming collapse of the global financial system as has been speculated on ANP and countless other alternative news websites or is this preparation due to the arrival of a mysterious planetary body not witnessed by the human race for thousands of years but since the beginning of time has heralded doom and end of times fears in those who've learned of its' last passing?

While ANP has rarely published stories about what has been called 'Planet X', after listening to the video below featuring Steve Quayle and Alex Jones on Infowars, we have to ask if what we've heard about government storing food underground while moving their military HQ's underground as well as the massive preparation we're all witnessing across America is REALLY preparation for the imminent return of "Gabriel's Fist" or "Lucifer's Hammer".

At the 3 minute 5 second mark of the new video below, Michael from Mississippi poses a question to Quayle on the The Alex Jones Show about the incoming heavenly body that researcher Bob Fletcher has staked his reputation upon and whether the incoming body would necessitate the government preparation for martial law that we are now witnessing across the country. Informing us that in the ancient world the name for Planet X was 'Nibiru', Quayle tells us that they know about all of the Earth changes that will be taking place due to 'Nibiru' including electrical discharges and talks about Velikovsky's book "Worlds In Collision" which proposes:

Many myths and traditions of ancient peoples and cultures are based on actual events: worldwide global catastrophes of a celestial origin, which had a profound effect on the lives, beliefs and writings of early mankind.

"Worlds in Collision is a book of wars in the celestial sphere that took place in historical times. In these wars the planet earth participated too. [...] The historical-cosmological story of this book is based in the evidence of historical texts of many people around the globe, on classical literature, on epics of the northern races, on sacred books of the peoples of the Orient and Occident, on traditions and folklore of primitive peoples, on old astronomical inscriptions and charts, on archaeological finds, and also on geological and paleontological material." - Worlds In Collision, Preface.

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