If you thought first lady Michelle Obama's lunch programs couldn't
get any worse, think again. New rules brought about by Obama's lunch legislation
ban popular cereals children love in daycare centers across the country. Even
worse, childcare centers will not be allowed to serve fried food, they will only
be allowed to serve juice once...
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders may have just handed the presidential
election to billionaire businessman Donald Trump. In a town hall with MSNBC,
Sanders announced that he would not tell his supporters to vote for Hillary,
saying it was her job to woo his supporters. “We’re not a movement where I can
snap my fingers and...
Mason Weaver, a black Donald Trump advocate, had some mighty words
about Trump's plan to help give Americans an environment to succeed. Starting
off the conversation, Fox Business Network's Trish Reagan asked Weaver what he
gathered from the entire ordeal surrounding Harriet Tubman's new home on the $20
bill. "What good does it do me...
As a self-described “progressive” president, it has come to no
surprise that Barack Obama has been pushing for more accommodations for those
who identify as transgender. While the recent commotion over transgender
accommodations has focused mainly on public restrooms at businesses, Obama has
apparently been pushing for the same accommodations for transgender kids at
As part of the ongoing debate regarding which public bathrooms
transgender individuals should use, the Target chain of retail stores came out
publicly to welcome any transgender guests or employees to use the bathroom of
the gender with which they self-identified. The public position taken by Target
stood in stark contrast to that held by a...
We have all seen the "Fight for $15" minimum wage protests by
economically illiterate millennials backed by agenda-driven labor unions and
liberal activists. One of the primary targets of the protesters' misguided and
uneducated wrath is the fast food franchise McDonald's, which the protesters
accuse of making millions in profit while millions of workers struggle...