One common criticism of billionaire businessman and presidential
candidate Donald Trump is that he far too often speaks in vague generalities and
rarely offers specifics about where he stands on the issues. That is no longer
the case, at least regarding his stance on gun rights and the Second Amendment,
as Trump just released his official...
If Melania Trump becomes the next first lady, don't expect her to
make your child's school lunch inedible or engage in superfluous race-baiting.
That's at least the takeaway from an interview with Donald Trump's wife in the
latest issue of GQ, in which she said that she would be more of a "traditional"
first lady, something along...
Much like Donald Trump's problems with the GOP establishment, Vermont
Sen. Bernie Sanders has certainly been getting a lot of opposition from Democrat
elites. Since they aren't quite feeling the Bern, Trump says, maybe it's time to
Bern them. In a tweet Tuesday, Trump encouraged Sanders to leave the Democrat
Party and run for president as...
In Pike County, Ohio, Sheriff Charles Reader took an impressive
Second Amendment stand, commenting to the media that our right to bear arms must
stay intact for our personal safety and the safety of those we love and cherish.
Reader made the statement at a new conference on Sunday. Reader recalled the
execution-style murders of...
Tracy Murphree, a candidate for sheriff of Denton County, Texas,
used Facebook last week to lay down the law about the transgender bathroom
debate, with words that likely triggered millions across the country. “This
whole bathroom thing is craziest I have never seen,” he posted on Friday. “All I
can say is this. If my little girl is...
Conservative powerhouse Rush Limbaugh has some sobering words for his
listeners Monday that might be hard for some conservatives to hear. Limbaugh
pointed out on his show Monday just what exactly Cruz needed to do to win the
GOP nomination at this point in the game. He explained that the only way he can
do it is...