Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Family Blames Cops After Girls Die Stealing Car, Then 1 Cop Issues Epic Response

Top Stories
Family Blames Cops After Girls Die Stealing Car, Then 1 Cop Issues Epic Response
When a criminal dies in the course of committing a crime, the entitlement crowd wants to blame everyone and everything else when, in reality, the person’s death was entirely their own fault. For example, three teenagers in St. Petersburg, Florida, recently stole a car, and in their attempt to flee from the cops, they wrecked into...
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Legendary Breakfast Restaurant Closes Locations… Welcome To Obama’s America
It's a place that many of us can remember going for weekend breakfasts with the family, gorging ourselves on delicious waffles, eggs and bacon. Now, thanks to President Barack Obama's America, it's shuttering some of its restaurant locations. Bob Evans, the legendary family eatery, announced this weekend that the chain would be closing 27 of its...
Man Goes in Target With Hidden Camera, Proves Bathroom Policy’s So Much Worse Than We Thought
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've heard about retail giant Target's capitulation to the forces of political correctness. In a statement posted on its website last week, the company said that anyone could use any bathroom they wished, regardless of their gender. How bad is it, though? A Florida man found out when he...
BREAKING: Trump Just Revealed His Plan if He Loses… Fans Devestated
If billionaire businessman Donald Trump loses the GOP nomination, don't expect to see him mount a third-party run or involve himself in politics any more -- at least not if what he told a crowd in Maryland is true. According to The Hill, Trump broke the hearts of many fans on Sunday when he indicated...
Mom Sends Kids to Backyard, Suddenly Woman Knocks on Door With Freaky Request
We live in a day and age where the government likes to interfere with just about every aspect of our lives, including how we raise our children. CTV news reported that a Winnipeg, Canada, mother was investigated by the Canadian Child and Family Services simply because she allowed her children to play in her fenced...
VIDEO: Fox News’ Jesse Waters Slams Al Sharpton Over This SICK Comment… To His FACE
Twenty-four years ago, Rev. Al Sharpton said something immensely sick about the police, and when rising star and political commentator Jesse Watters recently tried to confront the notorious race-baiter about his previously made statements, Sharpton of course started making excuses. First he claimed that he never made the statement. Then he claimed that the Fox News...
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