Gov. Rick Scott (R) said it is time for the Republican Party to unite around
Donald Trump on Wednesday, saying the front-runner is on track to secure the
nomination. [Keep
the wake of North Carolina passing its bathroom law, states, cities, companies,
and entertainers across the nation canceled shows, business deals, and prevented
state travel in an effort to protest what they considered was an anti-LGBT,
discriminatory measure. [Keep
Trump may have swept the Republican primaries in five states last night, but
Tuesday wasnt all good news for the real estate mogul. [Keep
Billionaire Donald
Trump steamrolled his competition along the I-95 corridor last night, and
Hillary Clinton pretty much sealed the deal for the Democratic nomination. [Keep
Five states voted on
Tuesday, and with 99 percent of the precincts reporting, here are the final
results from the "Acela Primary," including the delegate totals. [Keep
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