Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hail Mary: Cruz to Announce Fiorina as Would-Be VP Pick This Afternoon

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Hail Mary: Cruz to Announce Fiorina as Would-Be VP Pick This Afternoon
Guy Benson
When Cruz first teased this afternoon's "major announcement," three possibilities sprang to mind.
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Polls: Trump Down 11 to Hillary Nationally, Trails Millennials by 36, Losing in Arizona
Guy Benson
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert Sentenced to Prison
Christine Rousselle
Trump: Look, Hillary Wouldn't Even Win Five Percent of the Vote if She Were a Man
Guy Benson
Donald Trump Lays Out Foreign Policy Goals in Speech
Justin Holcomb
Ted Cruz Can Still Deny Trump GOP Nomination
Christopher N. Malagisi
Ted Cruz Called A Basketball Hoop A "Basketball Ring" And Twitter Was Not Happy
Christine Rousselle
Sen. Cory Gardner Endorses Cruz
Christine Rousselle
The sixth member of the Senate to endorse Cruz.
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Florida Governor Calls for an End to #NeverTrump
Justin Holcomb
Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) said it is time for the Republican Party to unite around Donald Trump on Wednesday, saying the front-runner is on track to secure the nomination.
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More Than 800,000 People Sign Pledge to Boycott Target
Christine Rousselle
Over the "inclusive" bathroom policy announced by the retailer.
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San Francisco Looking to Ban Doing Business With Companies in Anti-LGBT States
Leah Barkoukis
In the wake of North Carolina passing its bathroom law, states, cities, companies, and entertainers across the nation canceled shows, business deals, and prevented state travel in an effort to protest what they considered was an anti-LGBT, discriminatory measure.
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Keystone Beatdown: It’s McGinty v. Toomey In Critical PA Senate Race
Matt Vespa
Critical senate race.
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Judge Rules Trump University Case Going to Trial
Leah Barkoukis
Donald Trump may have swept the Republican primaries in five states last night, but Tuesday wasnt all good news for the real estate mogul.
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Trump, Clinton Pummel Opponents Along I-95 Corridor
Matt Vespa
Billionaire Donald Trump steamrolled his competition along the I-95 corridor last night, and Hillary Clinton pretty much sealed the deal for the Democratic nomination.
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'Acela Primary' Final Results
Christine Rousselle
Five states voted on Tuesday, and with 99 percent of the precincts reporting, here are the final results from the "Acela Primary," including the delegate totals.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Obama Mocks American Concern Over Obamacare, Whines About Fox News Again
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Obamacare Architect: Yeah, We Lied to The "Stupid" American People to Get It Passed
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Beyonce's Beehive of Bombastic Buffoons
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Lung Cancer And Me
John Stossel
John Stossel
A Superior Vision
Walter E. Williams
Walter E. Williams
Want to Talk about Jesus? You'll Need a Permit for that at NC State
Todd Starnes
Todd Starnes
Pat Boone vs. The God-Mockers
Brent Bozell
Brent Bozell
With Indiana a Critical Battleground, Pence Must Pick a Side
Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg
American Morpheus
Bob Barr
Bob Barr
The Path to Post-Convention Unity
Ken Blackwell
Ken Blackwell
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Voters Don’t Support Allowing Victims to Sue Gun Manufacturers | Jenn Jacques
Would-Be Car Thief Hotwires Himself a Gunshot Wound | Jenn Jacques
Get Off My Lawn! Homeowner Sprays Thief’s Truck With Shotgun | Jenn Jacques
61-Year-Old Repeat Offender Shot, Killed by Homeowner | Jenn Jacques
The Gun Vault: Herb Parsons Gun from “Winchester ’73” | Jenn Jacques
Political News
Ex-FBI agent accused of lying in Bulger case to plead guilty | AP News
Unfair labor practices complaint filed against Volkswagen | AP News
FBI says it won't disclose how it accessed locked iPhone | AP News
Billionaire investor will defend Valeant business model | AP News
Man pleads not guilty to Seattle-area dismemberment killing | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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